ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: Resin Art by Natasha Wein

I think I’ve been riding the high of getting an extra hour of sleep this past weekend for days now. Sure it’s a tossup if Daylight Savings Time actually benefits us, but boy oh boy do I look forward to falling back every year. 

And while I’m not sure what that says about my sleeping habits, I do like to think that this shows how I like to enjoy the simpler things in life. Finding happiness in beauty in the world around us. 

And in the Berkshires that’s easy right? We get to look out at our own backyard and see the beauty in the world around us. It’s why we live here, and it’s why so many artists and creative types call the Berkshires their home

One artist in particular has found such artistic inspiration in the Berkshires, and we have gotten the chance to showcase her work in The Shop! And wouldn’t you know, she’s our Artist Spotlight for the month of November! 

This month I had the pleasure of sitting down with Natasha Wein who’s resin art encapsulates the essence of the Berkshires through simple and elegant jewelry pieces. Here’s what she had to say about her work, the Berkshires, and the future. 

When did you start your work as an artist, and when did it evolve into the work that we see and sell at The Shop? Five years ago, I moved to the Berkshires from the San Francisco Bay Area and began working creatively with almost anything I could get my hands on: paint, canvas, clay, fiber, photography, collage, and writing poetry. I founded my creative process on intuition, projection, and analysis, processing the dialogue between abstract experience and language in order to make sense of the human condition. 

Just before the pandemic hit, I moved into a new apartment with fantastic light. Ladybugs, flies, and stinkbugs gathered on the floor in large quantities—I swept them into the corner for a future project. I read up on how to work with resin, turned my second room into a resin studio with decent ventilation, and began harvesting. 

Based on your two Instagram profiles your work is very eclectic. What led to you wanting to focus on resin work specifically? What keeps me so engaged in this project is that there are multiple processes involved: harvesting, drying out the flora and fauna, actively working with the resin, sanding the edges, and finishing with jewelry fixings. I find the harvesting process absolutely delightful and full of surprise. It keeps me connected to nature and the natural rhythms of the Berkshires; each season brings its own excitement and plenty to capitalize on and also grief in learning to let go in the transitions between seasons and the cycle of growth, compost, and death.

This project has also equally excited the people in my life to join in on the harvesting. At my physical therapist’s office I am known as the “bee lady.” My friendswho I now call my “bug dealers”drop off found bugs, snake skin, feathers, and pinecones in little tupperwares. One of my friendswho I now call my “mushroom man”started drying out mushrooms in silica in his apartment for me and went on mushroom foraging walks in south county. I was even able to get my hands on a handful of 17-year cicadas this fall! I also take commissions and have been honored to create sentimental gifts for people including a butterfly symbolic of a friend’s late sister, a sentimental crayon in a necklace, and most recently, a pride bracelet with six tiny charms that each contain something natural from each color of the rainbow. 

With my resin work I preserve the space between death and decaywhich is a space we rarely bear witness toso this liminal space can be studied and appreciated. 

Is there an artist or mentor in particular that inspires you and your artwork? Two years ago I knew close to nothing about plants. I am grateful for the mentors in my life who know a lot about plants, trees, gardening, and ecosystems, and who teach me how to practice integrating into nature in a respectful and wild way. In terms of artistic inspiration, I am most inspired by the artistic processes and perspective of artists, musicians, philosophers, psychologists, and poets. I often listen to music, meditations, or scientific talks while working with resin. 

What’s your favorite spot in the Berkshires to tell people about (besides The Shop of course)? One humble spot in the Berkshires that I am very fond of is the giant Ginkgo tree in downtown Stockbridge. I’ve been told it’s probably about 150 years old. I visit this tree regularly and it has become a sort of symbol of my work. The Ginkgo leaf in my logo is extracted from a photo I took of a leaf a mentor gave me from his Ginkgo tree three years ago. Other than that, I enjoy the Monument Mountain Hike, Benedicts pond in the winter when the pond has frozen over, and a hidden pocket of the Green River in Great Barrington that is fantastic for cold plunges all year round. My father actually grew up in North Adams and I grew up visiting my aunt working at Mass MoCA and playing on the bug structures at an elementary school in North Adams. 

As an artist living in 2021, what is one message you want to spread to the world?  Play. Let yourself play with anything and create for the sake of creating. We are taught so young that there is a correct way to create and a correct way to be. And all too often we internalize a harsh self-critic that limits us and hardens our innate creativity and desire to explore everything as if it is new. The moment creating art truly became liberating and full of possibility for me was when I chose to respect what I create as if it is another beingand often a lost part of myself—that has something important to teach me about myself and the world. 

Thank you so much to Natasha Wein for telling us your story. If you’re interested in Natasha’s work you can check out her Instagram for Resin Art here and her artist Instagram here. And, of course, you can purchase Natasha’s work at The Shop.

Until next time! 



And so it goes. Another Halloween has come and gone. 


Which is what I would say if I wasn’t as jazzed about the holidays this year as I already am! Seriously, I’m not one to skip out on the holidays. Halloween is only the beginning of three months of merriment and community with friends! 

But now that Halloween is over, I’m sure I don’t have to be the first to tell you how the world seems to want to launch us straight to Christmas. But never fear, dear reader! I’m an advocate for celebrating and enjoying Thanksgiving! It’s just too good of a dinner, er I mean holiday, to pass up! 

And as the holidays have seen their own fair share of transformation as we acclimate to new ways of living, it can be hard to find the right tips, tricks, and supplies needed to make sure your holidays are just as memorable as before. 

That’s what we’re here for today! Below I’ve list some items, as well as some things to keep in mind as you head into the holidays. 


Your Kitchen A, B, C’s!

So I’ve lived in Brooklyn for more or less eight years, with some lovingly life-changing years in Pittsfield, and during this time I’ve packed up all of my stuff and moved no less than 8 times. Eight! Times! As such, I’ve always been one who has loved paring down with my items (less boxes overall), and even though I’ve done that I always have my essentials! My A, B, C’s if you will! 

A! Aprons For All Occasions!

As a fabulous virgo, I’m always for the right mix of fashion meets function, and aprons are exactly that! Always having one handy in your kitchen is perfect for the holidays so you don’t mess up that outfit that’s meant to impress the in-laws (and you will, I believe in you!). I always love keeping anything from Blue Q and their aprons are no exception! 

B! Boards for Cheese, Boards for Meats, You Name It! 

Maybe it’s the millennial in me (at least according to these millennials), but I truly believe all good dinner parties call for a charcuterie. And Thanksgiving is no exception! So for that you need a good board that will last you! I recommend one from this Berkshires based company.

C! Casseroles, Tarts, and Pies, Oh My!

Keeping at least a pie dish, casserole dish, etc on hand in your kitchen wherever you live will benefit you so greatly in the long run, but especially during the holidays! These are Thanksgiving essentials that you will use year after year. I’ve found some great options at One Mercantile that I know you’ll love, too.

Hold On To What Makes The Holidays Memorable 

The holidays have changed for all of us, some of us even permanently. And while some seemingly big things have changed, so much of what makes the holidays memorable can stay the same. It’s more of how can those traditions stick around in a new way. 

Do you gather with family? How can you still make that possible? And when it gets to the moment, and half of the family is chiming in on Zoom, really lean into the “new normal”. Find humor in the strange! At this point it’s not something that any of us can ignore, and despite the new frontier of meeting together, it’s being able to meet together that’s still paramount. 

In The End, It’s Up To You

In the end, the Thanksgiving essentials that you check off every year are what make Thanksgiving memorable to you and your friends and family. So in whatever way you can support and reinforce those essentials, make that happen! 

For me, that’s what makes the holidays year after year a time to remember. 


I Love. Halloween. 

You know this already, but I really haven’t divulged into how I love Halloween year round! It’s truly a holiday that I find continuous enjoyment and creative inspiration.

How do I get my Halloween holiday fix all 12 months? Horror films. 

And to that note, horror films of all kinds! Surely, I love all the classic pieces of spooky cinema, but one of the great things about the horror genre is that it is such a broad stroke. There are so many different instances of the horror genre that fill me with glee, and are for all audiences! 

This year I wanted to expand my horizons on horror films, as well as return to some of my favorites, and here’s 6 classic horror movies to watch for Halloween 2021 that I love!

Horror Movies To Watch

Frights For The Family 

Coraline (2009)

Where To Watch: Rent on Amazon, iTunes, and Google Play

I can’t believe I’ve only just seen this film this year! The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my favorite movies ever, and I love stop motion animation. This family-friendly fantasy is an instant classic in which our heroine, Coraline, moves to a new home with her ever boring writer parents. And in her quest for a happier life, she learns the age-old adage “be careful what you wish for”.

The Witches (1990)

Where To Watch: Stream on HBO Max & Rent on YouTube

I saw this film when I was very young and, like many of my generation, it made a lasting impact. This is due to the brilliant partnership of Anjelica Huston’s phenomenal performance and the work of The Jim Henson Company. A fanciful tale of a boy and his grandmother caught up in the plans of a hoard of witches, disguised as women. 

Haunts For The Horror History Buff

Night Of The Living Dead (1968)

Where To Watch: Stream on Peacock, Tubi, & Vudu

This 1968 classic is the zombie flick that kickstarted the modern-day wave of the zombie sub-genre, and a true independent film made on a shoestring budget of around $100,000. The film then made a box office turnaround of $30 million! Centering around the lives of 7 people trapped in a house during an invasion of the undead, this film truly put zombie films on the map with an unsettling creepiness that holds to this day. I recommend anyone doing their research into this film to learn more about George A. Romero’s interest in why he created this, and the ripple effect it has created in the world of filmmaking today. Not to mention there is an official sequel being created now! 

Ghostwatch (1992)

Where To Watch: Internet Archive!

It’s hard to track down this made-for-TV film by the BBC from 1992, but it’s worth the watch for any horror buff! In what can be seen as a modern-day War Of The Worlds, the film is in the form of a news special where a camera crew seeks to find the source of poltergeist activity in a house in England. With its use of first-person point-of-view and subtle slow-burn creepiness, this is a precursor to the found footage subgenre, a subgenre that in the past decade has taken over the horror landscape. 

Creepy Classics

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956)

Where To Watch: Stream on Paramount+, Rent on YouTube

One of my favorite parts of horror films is how camp is absolutely celebrated, in any way possible. If there’s a quintessential classic of B-horror camp to me, it’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers. And even though this film has been remade again, and again, and again, and even given the Looney Tunes treatment, the original stands the test of time! It’s a masterclass on creating unsettling tension, and I can’t recommend it enough! 

Rear Window (1954)

Where To Watch: Stream on Hulu & Amazon Prime

Now, I couldn’t make a list of horror films to watch and now include an Alfred Hitchcock film could I? Hitchcock was my first foray into the world of horror when I was young, and Rear Window was one of the first horror films I’ve ever watched. Giving us an incredible performance, Jimmy Stewart places a wheelchair-bound photographer who spies on his Manhattan neighbors. Eventually, his spying gets the best of him and he tends to take things too far...

What Will You Watch?

There you have it, 6 tried-and-true classic horror movies to watch for Halloween 2021. I recommend these films to anyone, and can’t recommend enough that you take a look into any of these this year. And hey, November 1st rolls around this Monday, but that doesn’t mean the spooky season can hang around for just a bit longer. 

Have a Happy Halloween, dear reader, and in the words of my idol, Elvira. 

...unpleasant dreams…



If you’ve been keeping up, dear reader, I’ve given you a tour through all of my fantastical fall favorites. Everything about the season that makes it my favorite, and maybe yours, too! 

Of course, this all culminates with the ultimate (in my humble opinion) autumnal celebration: Halloween! And not only is Halloween pleasing for the aesthetic and the nostalgia, but Halloween has some tried and true health benefits, as well! 

Keep reading as I go on with the health benefits of Halloween. 

Spook Yourself To Good Health

My favorite of the myriad health benefits of Halloween is that a good spook from a haunted house, horror flick, what name you, may lead to a stronger metabolism. 

According to an article in TIME Magazine, a study back in 2003 at Coventry University found that horror films could lead to an increase in white blood cells. This “good stress” from watching a horror movie can trigger a “fight-or-flight” response in the body which might lead to a short term increase in immune function. 

And while we do know that a good scare from horror movies leads to your body releasing adrenaline, it’s after the viewing when your body will also release serotonin and dopamine

Trick-Or-Treat Yourself

Looking for those halloween candy sales on November 1st? Make sure to put dark chocolate at the top of your list. Besides being the superior chocolate by taste (don’t believe me, then ask this survey where nearly everyone agrees with me) dark chocolate also contains flavonoids, certain chemicals found in plants that act as antioxidants. But be sure to look for around 70% cacao or higher, as less than that will have more sugar and additives. 

Community Celebration At Its Finest

We all know the nostalgic feeling of trick-or-treating, but that feeling doesn’t stop when you’re too old to go trick-or-treating (which I’m firming in the camp of you’re never too old, but I digress). 

Halloween is a time to wear a fun costume, and join your friends in the festivities. It’s the beginning of a seemingly over monetized holiday season, where the holiday still has its charm. 

So have fun with it! Use this as a time to relax, de-stress, and enjoy the festivities. 

Until next time...

Or in the words of my favorite Halloween icon, Elvira…

Unpleasant dreams…



I’m just gonna get right to it, dear reader. How many PSL’s have you had this year? What is a PSL you ask (if you’re asking, but if you’re not just roll with me)? Why only the crown jewel of all that is autumn in our post-Y2K world! 

The pinnacle of all things autumnal! The paragon of cozy comfort! And to some, maybe a bit overdone, but we don’t need to discuss that. 

Yes, I’m talking about the Pumpkin Spice Latte. A tried and true, I would argue, modern American classic. But where did it all begin? And how could it catapult so quickly into our homes seemingly from nowhere?

Journey To The (Pumpkin) Past

The history of the pumpkin spice latte is simpler than one might think. According to Food & Wine, “pumpkin spice” as a spice blend has been in American kitchens as far back as 1798 in the cookbook American Cookery by Amelia Simmons. This listed two different pumpkin spice blends featuring the spices we all know and love, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, etc. 

But it wasn’t until the 1930’s that we saw actual pumpkin pie spice being sold in stores, the blend that we know as pumpkin pie spice today. 

This quickly became the ubiquitous taste that we all know and love during fall. A hint of both savory and sweet with just a layer of zesty spice. But only a hint, you could almost call it a bit of a fuzzy hint, like the warmth of a wool sweater on a cold day. 

Fast forward to 2003, and according to the official Starbucks archives, the tastemakers in the liquid lab “sampled a forkful of pumpkin pie followed by a sip of hot espresso to tease out which pie flavors best complemented the coffee.” And once that was perfected, a star was born. 

But why? And how? Why and how did this very simple beverage become a beacon of wonder for the fall? Professors have hypothesized that it has to do with nostalgia, coziness, and longing. It tastes like memories of simpler times, and happiness with family and friends. 

That carefree escape even just for a few moments. 

Another Round?

So there you have it, y’all. The history of the pumpkin spice latte. Sure the PSL has gotten its own fair share of critiques and backlash, but if it means I get a small moment of fuzzy joy to get me through the day (at least until my next one) I’ll take it. 

Will you join me?

Until next time,


ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: Shire Fire Candles

How have you been this week, dear reader? Are you staying hydrated, and drinking enough water? Finding time to reflect on the year we’ve all had?

Yes, I might just be sending you my to-do list this past week, but I do believe that this is something we could all be doing. And if the tone of this blog sounds a lot these past few weeks, well honey, strap in because I’m in my zone. Fall is my favorite season and I love to not shut up about coziness, candles, and contemplation...and a fresh batch of Bartlett’s Apple Cider Donuts.

But enough about donuts (for now). We’ve made it to the top of another month, and it’s time for another artist spotlight. Every month, we spotlight a Berkshires artisan who’s work we display and sell at The Shop. And this month is Shire Fire Candles

A staple in the Berkshires (you’ll recognize their label from Williamstown to Sheffield), Shire Fire has been making candles since 2017, and is owned by two youth entrepreneurs, Grace Proskin, and Izzy Brown.

We have been lucky to sit down with Shire Fire and learn more about their work, their inspirations, and a beautiful message we could all use (I told you this is a great time for reflection). 

What an incredible story about the origins of Shire Fire. Would you mind telling me more about that? Shire Fire Candles was started in 2017 by youth entrepreneurs Grace Proskin (at the time 11) and Izzy Brown (at the time age 10). Our family took a trip to Ireland, and while exploring the Irish countryside on road trips visited many local crafters along the way that sold crafts out of their homes. One of our stops was a small candle company in which a man was making local candles in scents and colors inspired by the Irish countryside. When we returned to the US, the girls came back inspired to create something of their own. The candle shop was memorable to them, and they asked, "Hey could we create a candle company just like that, but inspire the scents in color by the Berkshires? With that Shire Fire Candles was born. The girls along with their parents, researched and explored proper candle making, created relationships with suppliers, and started designing a logo. They took their first batch to a Youth Booth at the Downtown Pittsfield Farmers market and sold out within an hour.  After that, people and stores sought them out. They now have over a dozen loyal retailers that carry their products. The product line has developed from a simple line of soy candles in aluminum tins to include glass pillar, wax melts, smelly jelly air fresheners, and a full line of custom designed wedding, baby shower, and party candle favors.

I love how your candles all are named after places and highlights in the Berkshires. What made you want to do this? The Irish Candle maker the girls visited, was making his candles in scents and colors inspired by Ireland. In addition, many of them had clever Irish names. When the girls were initially planning out the idea for the company, naming the candles after popular attractions, places, and cities in towns within the Berkshires really became the idea to differentiate their product from other soy candle companies in the area. Visitors to our area really enjoy taking home a little piece of the Berkshires with them, so to have a candle named Clouds Over Greylock, Bash Bish Falls, or Mass Mocha really seemed to register with our target customers.

Is there an artist or entrepreneur in particular that inspires Shire Fire? Really the inspiration behind this entrepreneurship came from Ireland and the candlemaker located there. The girls however have had many other women owned companies reach out to them to help mentor, offer words of encouragement, or to just support their company. In fact the UMass Women Into Leadership Program reached out to them to supply soy candles for their national conference. How cool is that? They truly love each and every one of their customers, and many of them have become more like friends over the years. They could not have gotten to where they are without the support of their customers and their repeat business, along with the retailers that commit to working with them to provide quality soy candles for their shops.

What’s your favorite spot in the Berkshires to tell people about (besides The Shop of course)? Ohhh we love The Shop! Oskar is so good to the girls and their company and we try to tell people to go visit there every chance we get! Probably our favorite spot in the Berkshires to visit and talk about besides the shop is Tanglewood. It just has so much connection to our family. Both Izzy, Grace, and their sister Emma are very talented musicians. Grace and Izzy both play with the Kids 4 Harmony String program here in the Berkshires. In addition, they both participate with the Longy School of Music Advanced String Orchestra in Cambridge MA. Grace has been selected as part of Western Districts, as well as the YOLA National Youth Orchestra in Los Angeles.   Tanglewood is our family happy place to go and enjoy a night out, a picnic on the lawn and some music. Recently the girls released their Symphony on the Lawn Soy Candle in honor of Tanglewood and its impact in their lives. A quick funny side note story is that Grace had the opportunity to meet John Williams when she attended the DARTS camp at Tanglewood (although she didn't know who he was). A few nights later we attended E.T. with John Williams Conducted and she told us that "the guy on the screen was conducting them a few days ago at DARTS."

As an artist living in 2021, what is one message you want to spread to the world?  Izzy & Grace want to be an inspiration to other young entrepreneurs and artists. They also want to show other young women to not be afraid, and create something and put your work out there to see and enjoy. You never know what an idea and some little hard work can accomplish until you try. These girls continue to show that through yearly growth here at Shire Fire Candles.

Thank you so much to Shire Fire Candles for sharing your incredible story! If you’re interested in more of VER, check out the Shire Fire Candles website, and of course, see their work at The Shop. 

Until next time! 



If you couldn’t already tell by any of my previous blog posts (especially last week’s) it’s that I am obsessed. With. Fall. This is the season I was born into (well sort of), and as an artist this is the season where I feel the most creative. The most at home artistically! 

But What About...

Oh. And it’s Halloween season! Which festivities and merriment all month long. 

But a Halloween party is no joke. With an estimated $6 billion spent annually on Halloween traditions and trick-or-treating, you’re not going to be the only haunted celebration on the block. 

Halloween Party Tips Galore!

So with that in mind, here’s the tips you need for the perfect spooky soirée. 

Stick To Your Theme

As anyone knows, halloween means ghosts, vampires, zombies, and all other sorts of spooks to lurk around the corner. But within each of these is another subset of spooks to explore! 

Use that! Even a quick google (my girl, The Pioneer Woman, has a great list) can turn your generic halloween party into a haunted house, transylvanian palace of vampires, or zombie fest. 

Grown-Up Candy For The Kid In All Of Us

We all loved trick-or-treating as kids, but you don’t need to have bowls of Snickers and Twix bars set out at your Halloween party with your friends. 

That said there are plenty of ways for you to bring the kid out of anyone with the perfect grown-up treats. Bloody Mary syringes anyone? Mummy meatballs? Even ways to elevate the classic candied apple are going to be a surefire hit. Check out this list from delish for all you need to know. 

You’ll Thank You Later

I feel like this is so very Peter Pan of me, but as adults we will sometimes find ourselves just throwing on a sheet for our costume and asking our audience to suspend their disbelief to the point of going cross-eyed.

We lose our imaginations and resign to the world of “does it really matter?” And sure, it’s not brain surgery, but it’s seemingly the ultimate chance to unwind and escape from the world we’re in right now. And it’s good for you! 

Studies have shown that there are real world health benefits to Halloween for adults. So with that said, why not let loose? 

Have fun this Halloween season, dear reader. That’s what it’s here for. You’ve got the two months following to worry about families and holiday stress, but for now get spooky just for the sake of it. 

The Harvest Moon Rises For Love

You know this already, dear reader, but I love the Berkshires. And as obvious as that statement sounds, I mean to say I love the moments where I find myself saying, “I love the Berkshires”. And this past Monday I repeated that mantra over and over again. 

80% of the time I’ve said it’s because of the nature that we get to find ourselves in day after day. The foliage, the mountains, the streams, the list goes on! 

And this weekend had all of that in a very special way as I found myself coordinating a wedding at Chesterwood underneath the Harvest Moon. 

J & F Forever! 

The happy couple knew they wanted to get married under the Harvest Moon, with a ceremony infusing Celtic and Jewish traditions. This proved to be a beautifully intimate and personal ceremony with Chesterwood being the perfect backdrop. 

And by perfect backdrop, I mean it! After originally intending to use the garden for their ceremony, they found a small clearing in the wooded path being the garden that was lit just right by the setting sun. So in a move that the Chesterwood staff said never seen done before, the ceremony was moved to the clearing. And let me tell you, dear reader, it felt like this was planned all along. 

The ceremony then led to a cocktail hour in the garden, and dinner and dancing on the lawn underneath a coverless tent. A risk, certainly, that paid off tenfold! The bride and groom knew it would be a risk, but the weather held out marvelously and gave us a starry sky. 

And we were looking up at the stars underneath the lights strung along the tent poles as the dinner candles were reaching their end, I said to myself, “I love the Berkshires.”


After the past yearish of limbo, it’s so nice to return to a wedding that really reminds us why we love being in this business. And in that, I felt rejuvenated and ready to see how we can make every couple’s wedding experience timeless, unique, and spectacular. 


I don’t know about you, dear reader, but between all of the kids I saw getting on buses and the delightful dose of apple in my coffee this morning, it’s fall! Fall is here and y’all I couldn’t be more ready to dive right into the crisp and cozy weather. 

And if there’s one place that does fall right it's The Berkshires. Everywhere I turn is another picturesque view of trees and hills complemented by scenic villages and always beautiful artwork.

And maybe it’s just because it was in fall that I first saw the artwork from this month’s artist spotlight, but there’s something about her work that captures a sense of serene feel of the Berkshires in the fall for me and carries it year-around. Which is why I’m so excited to have sat down with VER of Veronica Martin Design

When did you start your work as an artist, and when did it evolve into the work that we see and sell at The Shop? 

What I have found is there is no point where one starts being an artist. An artist is always that. What is seen as my brand VER was a lifetime in the making, and in 2018 I established my company Veronica Martin Design.


Your cage vase work is incredibly unique, with such a refreshing design, and is a signature style for you. What led to creating work like this?

Thank you.  All of my work— the cage vases, skincare, and candles — is born out of not only a personal love but also a personal need. The notion that form must sacrifice in the name of function is something I’ve always contended with. Cage vases are a unique concept of functional art which allow you to have full control of your floral arrangements' appearance and also provide visual interest when not in use. In everything I make, the concept is natural for me to conjure and evolve.

Is there an artist in particular that inspires you and your artwork?

It’s mostly emotion that inspires me — and that emotion is mostly joy! I make art in the name of happiness. It’s what I love to do, and I have fun with it!

What’s your favorite spot in the Berkshires to tell people about (besides The Shop of course 😜)?

Favorite shopping spots: I always love to tell people about the shops that carry VER! In addition to The Shop — One Mercantile, Sett, the Showcase Boutique at Canyon Ranch, and Township Four are a few of the great places to not only find my products, but other wonderful things. The stores that carry VER curate a collection of products that speak to certain values in life. 

Favorite other spots: Personal favorite places like solitude hikes, sunset views, the best trees, and skinny dipping spots are secrets — and I tend not to tell on my secrets!

As an artist living in 2021, what is one message you want to spread to the world?

Art is a guidewire for understanding the human experience and our place in the world.  It’s a fundamental protagonist in the story of life.  Art is not only a critical human right, but our power. There’s so much going on that we lose track of certain things: ourselves, each other, mindfulness, context, beauty, breathing, digestion, the meaning of things.  Creativity. Art influences our daily well-being. Sustain art. It’s here to remind us about what is so great about us.

Thank you to Veronica for taking the time to speak with me this week, and if you’re interested in more of VER, check out Veronica’s office website, and of course, see what she’s created at The Shop. 

Until next time! 


Should You Take His Last Name? Not Necessarily.

Last names. A tried and true tradition in weddings as far as anyone can tell, really, or at least until the 11th century. Yes, the tradition of the bride taking her husband’s last name is one that exists firmly in our society. 

But if that isn’t for you? We see it all the time, with wives keeping their given name professionally, and changing their last name for legal purposes. And that’s not even looking at couples outside of the heterosexual space. And we’re all accustomed to the couples that will hyphenate their new last name together becoming “Miller-Jones” or “Hearon-Smith”.


But with that being said, we’re seeing a new tradition of “the last name” appearing. More and more couples are looking towards the idea of combining their last names into a new word, one that isn’t hyphenated, or even selecting a new word entirely. 

A couple sat down with the New York Times, and spoke about how they selected the word “Mente” to be their last name. Being the Spanish word for mind, mente was selected because it is “reflecting their commitment to mindfulness and their admiration of each other’s intellect with honoring the bride’s Colombian roots.”

Another couple spoke with The Lilly about how they went about creating their new last name from combining each or their given names. They chose “Goldtzvik” as a combination of “Goldberg” and “Cwik” as a more practical option to their hyphenating which can get a bit complicated in future generations. 

For both the Goldtzviks and the Mentes, creating a brand new last name also is a symbol of their family that they are creating together. It’s the beginning of a new journey, and this name is a way for them to kick it off. 


As with anything, people can find their own pros and cons to a situation like this, but I say that first and foremost this is the couple’s decision. It’s your wedding! It’s your new life together! Do what makes you happiest! And if this is what that is, then all parties involved should support such a creative symbol of love.

Tips For The Best Back-To-School Ever

It’s that time of year again, we’re gearing up to go back to school (and for some of us that has some much, much sooner), and, wow. There’s a lot to consider! 

Believe me, I certainly haven’t looked back since I wrote my last paper in undergrad. So when I sat down to research and write this blog post, I didn’t know where to begin! “Back-to-school” is a moment in time that affects a very broad stroke of age groups, occupations, family groups and dynamics, in just lives in general! 

So with that all said, let’s dive in! Here are some handy and helpful back-to-school tips and tricks that everyone can benefit from.


We see it in studies everywhere, so it should be no surprise that this is our first tip on the list. But if you’re anything like me, it can be so hard to slip away from the vices of our phones and emails and get to bed on time. 

What do I recommend? Stick. To. A. Schedule. What time are you turning all screens off? What time are you turning all lights off? Can you do that every weeknight? This all helps you adjust to your circadian rhythm. And according to multiple studies, keeping in tune with your circadian rhythm is one of the best things you can do for your body. And for your children, a consistent routine away from screens can prove to be very beneficial in their development


We can all agree that one of the most seemingly thankless jobs out there is the teacher. Whether it’s your friend, your kid’s teacher, or you yourself, the job’s very rewarding moments with bringing knowledge can still surely take a lot of someone. So with that said, a small gift for the year can go a long way. 

And with what is gearing up to be a very challenging year for teachers this year, why not show your support and give them a gift that’ll show how much you appreciate all that they do. Sure I found a list of great gift ideas for teachers, but I always recommend our Rest and Restore Pack from The Shop. Made locally sourced items from the Berkshires, the pack is an all-inclusive spa date for that teacher in your life. And we ship!


A rule I live by is, when in doubt, donate! Be it with your time if you have the affordability in your schedule or monetary is you have the affordability in your bank account, donating is always a kind or forward-thinking gesture for schools in the fall. You could find a local backpack drive in your area (Operation Backpack is a great initiative) or see how you could volunteer your time with a school’s programming. It might not seem like much, but a little goes a long way with volunteering. 


As I stated earlier, this school year is proving to be a tremendously challenging one. But, one of the best assets a school has is its community, so see how you can support your local school community, and turn this into one of the best school years ever. 

1 Year Of The Shop: Looking Back

Here we are, dear reader, on the other side of one year of The Shop. 

We took a chance when starting a business venture during the pandemic, and thanks to your patronage we’ve been able to see our hard work thrive. Thanks, again, to the Berkshire Eagle for the very kind words about our venture.


And between the anniversary party, and a roster of events we put together, this weekend was a great reminder of why we do what we love. Here’s a fun recap!

Benefit In Our Backyard

Our fabulous festivities began with a benefit for the Berkshire Humane Society, an intimate event we held in our backyard! We worked with some of our favorite vendors in the area, Mahaiwe Tent for rentals, Marketplace for delicious catered food and Domaney’s for great wines, and Elegant Floral Creations By Amy for the gorgeous floral designs. All in all, a beautiful night from start to finish! 

One Year = Time To Party!

In celebration of our one year anniversary, we threw a party at The Shop all day on Saturday. It was a day filled with celebration specials and giveaways, highlighting the local Berkshire artists who’s work we sell. We also held a raffle, and our winner is Nancy Wilcox. Congrats, Nancy!


Back To The Backyard For A Birthday

One thing we love about living in The Berkshires is that it isn’t hard to find an outdoor location that isn’t already the perfect backdrop for an event, and we’re so lucky to include our backyard into the mix! Having intimate knowledge of the area we’re always able to set it up to it’s fullest potential, and had the pleasure of doing so for not only the Berkshire Humane benefit, but for a wonderful birthday. Check out below more photos from the weekend’s soirees.

Looking Ahead

I might sound like a broken record at this point, but it means the world to us that we’re able to pursue our passions for creating the perfect events for our clients and the Berkshire community at large. Be it through our event planning or our party/event essentials available at The Shop, we ‘re doing what we love and can’t wait to keep it up for years to come. 

See you along the way! 

Happy Year One For The Shop!

It’s our first birthday! Well, not OIMDE itself, but to our retail venture, The Shop. 

Yes, that’s correct. We made a decision during the pandemic to make the move into retail, and luckily the whirlwind of a 2020-2021 has been kind to us. 

Let’s Hear From The Founder

To get a deeper understanding into why the decision was made, I spoke to our founder and shop owner, Oskar Halig. 

Philip: Congrats on 1 year at The Shop! What an accomplishment. Let’s start at the beginning. What’s the story behind the shop, and what was the decision that led to you opening the shop? ​

Oskar: Well, in March of 2020, we all know the event world, and so much else just stopped. We took some time and then started thinking about what we could do. This was the extension of our Paraphernalia Packs to feature the Berkshire Pack. This started in April of 2020 because we had so many friends who made local products that could not find their usual way of selling them. We began offering these online and it was quite a hit!

Then as things started to open up a bit, we noticed there was a great location not far from our office for rent and we decided to go for it. At first we only committed at least in our heads to a year, but were so happy with how well it went and the response we received from both locals and visitors, that we have decided to keep it as part of the Only In My Dreams Events family.  In addition to event planning, we will continue to build our retail shop to help continue to uplift our local community.   

Philip: Did you ever see yourself owning a retail shop before? Was this ever in connection with your Paraphernalia Packs? 

Oskar: ​As a child I played two games - teacher and store- I taught at our local community college for 10 years so it seemed logical that moving on to storekeeping was the next step. I was always setting up stands on the side of the road to sell things to passersby - lemonade, veggies. The Paraphernalia Packs, especially the Berkshire Packs sell very well online, however, people love being able to see them in person. We have noticed an increase in sales across that line from our retail location. Many people see them when they come in and don't come back for a month to buy them, but they know when they need something like that, where to find it. 

Philip: Out of all of Berkshire County, why choose South Egremont? ​

Oskar: Honestly, it's because it's where we live and there happened to be the perfect location available. Having grown up spending lots of time in Egremont, and having lived here now full time for 11 years-  it was the perfect location. Plus, just about anyone heading to and from the Berkshires drives right past our door.  

Philip: It sounds like The Shop has had a successful year 1! Where do you see The Shop headed as you head into year 2 and beyond? ​

Oskar: The Shop has already changed and continues to do so. We started out thinking about being an event themed shop, but that quickly changed to gifts. Then we were lucky to have so many wonderful local artists stop in and offer their goods. We have yet to say no to anyone and would love to continue to increase our local vs. national brands. Also, we have worked with others in the event industry as we can source larger quantities of products at pricing that can compete with some of the big box stores. 

Philip: This is just wonderful, thank you so much for speaking with me! Any final words? 

Oskar: Our true love will always be event planning, and we started the shop to complement those efforts in many direct ways! Thank you to everyone who continues to support The Shop, and we can’t wait for you to see what’s next. 

Micro Wedding & Minimony: Which Is Right For You?

If I were in an auditorium right now and I asked for a show of hands for “Has your life changed since 2020?” I’m certain that everyone would raise their hand. It’s a new world, and a new landscape for many, many industries. 

And it’s no secret that the wedding industry saw a major shift since March of 2020, with it feeling like two years of weddings crammed into one for some in the industry. But another shift that has occured (and still occurring) is the rise of micro weddings and minimonies. 

Due to their much smaller budgets, first and foremost, these alternatives are giving more couples an option to still have a beautiful ceremony that isn’t necessarily so grandiose. 

That said, this isn’t always the case. 

But just what is the difference (if there even is one!), and could it be right for you? Let’s break it down. 

Micro Wedding

A micro wedding is a term you’ve most likely heard first. With a micro wedding, according to The Knot, you’re getting the chance to hold a more intimate ceremony (think of a 50 person guest list) that then gives the couple a chance to focus more on the details vs trying to create an experience for a large group. 

And while this means a smaller guest list, this doesn’t mean a smaller budget. Of course it can, but some couples are opting to use the money which would traditionally mean more attendees to instead mean more experience opportunities for the smaller guest list. 


As fun as a micro wedding sounds, it isn’t always a possibility. And if you’re reading this you’re most likely interested in wedding alternatives that allow for an authentic experience while still keeping a small crowd (for now that is).

This is where the minimony can come in! Often seen as ceremony part 1, a minimony is like a micro wedding in that it’s a small wedding experience, even smaller in scope and guest list than a micro wedding. 

This is an intimate ceremony, shared with your closest family and friends (sometimes by necessity like with our new normal in 2021). This ceremony should stay very simple, and serene. 

In the end, a “sequel” wedding is planned, where the couple can then have a larger more traditional-style wedding when it’s safe to do so. 

Can’t We Just Elope? 

There are so many options/routes you can take when finding the right wedding alternative with your future spouse. Heck, you can even just run off and get hitched if that works for you!

But if you want to have the people you care about in attendance, just know there are plenty of options to choose from. That’s certainly our expertise at Only In My Dreams Events, making sure to pick the best option for your once in a lifetime moment.


Cardinale Montano loves The Artist’s Way, a book by Julia Cameron that is celebrated by creative types all over. Over a recent phone call she told me more about why she enjoys the book, “No matter what you do you should keep that creative can even make pancakes creatively!”

That sense of creative electricity is very apparent in her bag line, Lineflax & Roving, a line of seemingly indestructible, and still wonderfully charming, handbags, and the subject of our August Artist Spotlight. 

To learn more about Cardinale and her work I had the pleasure of a phone call with her where she disclosed more about her upbringing, her creative mantras (included what’s mentioned above), and where she sees her work headed next. 

We All Made Things By Hand

Cardinale grew up in a home with a German mother, Italian-American father, and 3 siblings all very close in age. Handwork was very common in the household, with her and her siblings all knitting, sewing, and handworking by the time they were 5 & 6. 

Her upbringing was also very artistic and creative which, like handwork, took root early to blossom throughout the rest of her life and career. 

Cardinale was married and had her children in her 20’s. After becoming a mother, she knew that she wanted to continue to carry sewing through her life and her children’s lives as she made their clothing as well as her own. It was around this time that she befriended Kate Hixon of Hixon Design Consultants in Great Barrington (more on Kate later).

The Shift

In 2014, with her kids grown up, Cardinale had a shift in her thinking. She had previously started seeing where sewing projects could take her as a business, but nothing was ever too formal. At this point she decided to take the leap to see what happens. 

Enter her friend Kate (whom I mentioned earlier). Kate approached Cardinale about a spare room in her office space in GB. She asked Cardinale to, “please fill the space! If anything I want to just hear a sewing machine and know art is being made.”

Artistically, Cardinale began with weaving and hand dying line flax, and roving (where her business’ name was founded). 

Birthed From A Bin

One day, Cardinale found a piece of fabric in a bin that was very functional, and figured she could make a bag out of it. When she showed this to Kate, Kate responded with a very certain, “you need to go with this.”

The fabric is Greenguard Certified Vinyl, the highest level of certification possible for this material. This means the vinyl needs to meet the strictest chemical emission standards. 

And as an added bonus, Greenguard certified vinyl is inherently 100% USA made. 

Cardinale decided her bags should continue with this theme of 100% USA Made, and made a conscious decision to source the rest of the material from around the country.

From here, the bags we know from Lineflax & Roving were born. 

The Rest Is Woven Into History 

With her line of bags proving to be very successful, Cardinale is looking ahead at what’s next. She mentioned to me how in the future she would love to extend the work to artisans locally, so she can free up some time to teach handwork of future generations. 

We talked about how basic sewing, hand skills, alterations, etc, are taught less and less in schools and they are all still very valuable tools to learn (even myself a right down the middle Millennial never had a home economics class even offered in high school). 

As two artists who spent the last year and a half (but who’s counting) we’ve had stuck in our homes, Cardinale and I naturally began our mutual exchange of looking back and what inspiring us to press on. 

For Cardinale, and at large for Lineflax & Roving, one mindset shift in particular has kept her going. 

“You’ve got to maintain that creativity and integrity that you have, and that soul connection you have in everything you do.

“If you can maintain that, you can get through anything.”

Lineflax & Roving is available in person at The Shop in South Egremont, and on her website

Vacation In Your Own Backyard (& Someone Else’s!)

Y’all, I did something this past week, and I recommend everyone try it out.

I took a vacation. 

I know, I know, going off for a week where I don’t do anything work related at all, WHAT A CONCEPT. I even *gasp* turned off the notifications on my phone for everything. 

So, yes. It was marvelous, and much, much needed. On top of that, I’ve been wanting to see what there is to see and do in the USA that doesn’t have me shilling out $$$ for an all-expense paid package.

Can’t I just have a vacation in my own (or someone else’s) backyard?!

After this week I can yes, yes, incredibly yes. Let me tell you all about it.

A State Park…In Your Backyard? 

For this two-part vacation, my boyfriend, Dylan, and I first went with his family to Roanoke, VA, to see extended family, take in that muggy mountain fresh air, and just plain relax. And relax we did!

One of the biggest ventures for Dylan and I was taking a hike in someone’s backyard...literally. In Troutville, a suburb of Roanoke, is the Read Mountain Preserve.

Almost 250 acres of forested land, the preserve hosts a 2 mile trail to Buzzard’s Rock, a high point of Read Mountain with gorgeous views (you can see planes fly into the Roanoke airport, a fact that jazzed me up more than I thought it would)!

More recently, a subdivision was built around the entrance to this preserve. So, yes. You have to actually get to someone’s backyard to access the start of the trails in the preserve. Fascinating! 

The trails are very well kept up, but even so I wanted to make sure I stayed safe. So this was a great time for me to take advantage of the Tick’d Off Tick/Mosquito Repellent Salve from Green Branch Urban Farm (found in our Loving Nature in the Berkshires Paraphernalia Pack!). Between that and a healthy amount of sunscreen, we had the best time. 

Back To My Backyard...To Visit A Castle? 

When our time in Virginia was over, Dylan and I had to hightail it back Northeast for a friend’s wedding in Utica, NY. She held her wedding at Beardslee Castle in Little Falls, NY.

It was a gorgeous wedding from start to finish, using the over 150+ year old castle as a stunning backdrop to the ceremony. With a beautiful garden for cocktail hour and an upper hall indoors for the reception, it was an all-in-one experience. And not even two hours from South County! 

Overall, it was a week full of friends, family, and stunning views (more photos below because I had a blast and needed to document everything). And best of all we didn’t have to go anywhere “touristy” or high profile! Just goes to show how much beauty there is to see and how much there is to do in this country. 

So what are you waiting for! Where are you headed this summer?? I would love to hear about it.


Wedding Gifts For The Couples That Have Everything

You met ‘em, in fact you’ve probably known ‘em for a while, and now you’re invited to their wedding this summer. Sure, their wedding gift registry exists, but it seems a bit slapdashed, and you want to make sure you can make their wedding as memorable as possible. 

Just what do you get for a wedding gift for the couple that has everything? Especially nowadays with many couples more than ever shacking up before they get married, and how couples in general are getting married later in life, just getting a new towel set (or even that new blender) isn’t going to cut it. 

Not to worry, dear reader, that’s why you’re here. Read on for some wedding gift ideas for those seemingly un-shoppable couples! 

A Tangible Keepsake For A Timeless Memory

There are plenty of ways to mark the moment in time of such a momentous occasion, but the hopeless romantic in me just adores these two in particular! 

Capture the Evening’s Night Sky

Over at Etsy, WorldVibeStudio offers a framed snapshot of the night sky at the exact time and location of the couple’s wedding. They also can include multiple “moments” like when the couple was engaged and had their first date, so the couple can look back at the timeline and see what they saw those fateful evenings years before. 

Time Capsule, Wine Capsule

I’m a sucker for the romance of a good bottle of wine, especially if it’s a shared favorite between myself and my partner. For this gift, you can enclose a bottle of wine with two glasses and a note to not open for 365 days. If there’s anything that the couple would love is to relive those wedding moments over again, especially when the sentiment comes from the ones they love. Over at The Knot is a handy guide on how to set up a gift like this. 

Perfectly Pleasant And Practical

Y’all, I might be a hopeless romantic, but I’m also a double virgo. If you can be sentimental AND practical at the same time? Sign. Me. Up. 

No Kitchen Is (Seemingly) Complete Without…

A good knife! When was the last time you changed your knives? Even those couples in their mid-30’s might not have done this since they first moved in (I’m certainly guilty). 

Yes, it’s been said over and over and over that the couples who cook together stay together, but making sure you have the perfectly prepped kitchen can seem daunting. This is easily achievable, though, with only a few staple items! Namely, a good quality knife.

A fav chef of mine, Carla Lalli Music, recently talked about her fav knives on her YouTube channel and recommends plenty for you to choose from so your newly-nuptialed friends can pitch their bachelor/bachelorette pad discount knives and step up. 

Rest & Relax When The Honeymoon Is Over

Honestly, I knew from the start that I had to include this gift, partially because I’m jealous I don’t have this gift more often, and partially because it’s exactly what a couple could ask for. 

Over at The Shop in our Berkshires Paraphernalia Pack collection is our Relaxing and Recovering Pack. With it’s VER Detox Bath and Elevate and Infuse Body Butter (just to name a few), this is perfect for that couple to extend that honeymoon for just a couple more nights, and who could say no to that! 


If you didn’t already know this about me, dear reader, I live in New York City. And New Yorkers are not necessarily known for their eccentricity when it comes to streetwear. In fact, we love a good all black moment from Monday to Sunday, and have for decades now

But that’s pre-2021 NYC for me. As of a few months ago I moved to Coney Island, a pinnacle of amusement and merriment, not to mention an explosion of color. It was then that my NYC world was turned upside down and I got to see the city in a brand new hue. 

And now that we’re in the full swing of summer, I want to take you with me! Read on as I tell you all about the Summer 2021 color trends. 

Bright Colors And Bold Hues

It’s all about bright and bold color staples this season. Monochromatic ensembles and accents are where you want to go this year. Here’s a few colors for example. 

Mellow Yellow

A mainstay of Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2021, the subdued color brings a balance to the brights that are here this season. 


From Balmain to David Koma, the color we most often see in tennis balls, is making the rounds this season from full ensembles to lingerie

Bubblegum Pink

According to Vogue, Pink dominated the runway from Valentino to Miu Miu for Spring/Summer 21. With that said, who doesn’t love a pop of pink in their wardrobe? 

The Best Summer Trend Of All

You heard it from the trend experts here, you’ll certainly see more of these colors this summer. 

Of course, dear reader, the best trend this summer is YOU! So get out there, and make it a summer to remember!


How have you been this summer, so far, dear reader? The weather has been pretty nice all around, and now that the ocean fire off the gulf coast is under control I would say July is starting off pretty swell. 

This year we want to do something a bit different and shine a spotlight on all of the artists whose work we showcase at the shop. Stay tuned here every Monday for a new interview with a new artist whose work you might already have seen! 

This week we’re talking to Liz Olney, whose line of Functional Art is available year round at The Shop. Read on to get more of a glimpse into her life, her art, and her hope for the future. 

When did you start your work as an artist, and when did it evolve into the work that we see and sell at The Shop? My career as a leather craft-artist began when I moved from the UK to New York in the early seventies. I started working for a very trendy couple that made leather clothing for rock stars. 

I went on to become a handbag designer for various large companies. Alas, as most of the production started moving to China, I decided it was time to create my own business. 

After moving to Housatonic, I was able to become a part of the craft show community in the Berkshires, where I met so many other craft minded friends.

I see you call your work, Functional Art. It’s the first I’ve seen it before. Why did you choose this term to describe your work? I call my products "functional art" because (a) I like to produce functional creations that last for years, and (b) I believe it takes an artist to develop accessories that make people feel good and are confident they are wearing something original and beautiful.

Is there an artist in particular that inspires you and your artwork? One of my most admired artists in the Berkshires is the one and only Crispina French. She is the queen of the Berkshire craft community in my opinion. 

What’s your favorite spot in the Berkshires to tell people about? My most treasured memories are having been a vendor at every single holiday fair in the church she owned with her husband in Pittsfield, "Shire city Sanctuary".

As an artist living in 2021, what is one message you want to spread to the world? My message to the world is to FIND YOUR PASSION!  Making things can definitely bring one a sense of accomplishment, happiness, connection to others, AND keep you off the psychiatrist's couch!

Thank you to Liz for taking the time to speak with me this week, and if you’re interested in more from Liz check out her Facebook, and of course, see what she’s created at The Shop.

Until next time! 


It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas In July

If there’s one seemingly strange holiday that exists its Christmas In July. Is it a holiday? I guess it’s more like a fun concept of sorts. A mental oasis from the increasingly hot days of the summer to think back to when it’s cooler and cozy. 

But how did it get started? Why does it exist?

Was this just some marketing ploy? Maybe it was some attempt from Australia to have all of the winter Christmas fun we get here in the states? Neither! 

Well, dear reader, that’s why you tune in to my ramblings every Monday because I’m here to answer that for you! Let’s take a look back at the history of Christmas in July, shall we?

A Seemingly Snowy Southern Story

The concept of Christmas in July itself began at Keystone Camp, a girls’ camp, in Brevard, North Carolina during the summer of 1933. The camp’s co-founder, Fannie Holt, was known for her whimsical imagination and unique ideas for the camp itself. And the tradition continues today! The girls who attend camp turn their laundry bags into stockings, presents are given out, fake snow is delightfully tossed, and that’s only the beginning. 

As the years went on, the event grew into quite the production. From there, the idea caught on in towns like West Jefferson, North Carolina who are celebrating their Christmas In July festival still to this day.

Join In The Festivities 

So there you have it. From the mind of a woman like no other has become a timeless American tradition that we see from town festivals, to Hallmark movie marathons, to indie pop holiday recordings

Have you ever celebrated Christmas In July? This year, we at Only In My Dreams Events invite you to celebrate the holidays with us year round, with The Holiday Shop! 

We’ve transformed half of our space at The Shop to become a holiday wonderland with everything you need to have your own celebration, or even to get a head start on your holiday shopping before any crowds. Check out some photos of the displays below and stop by! 

And with that, I bid you adieu. Until next week! 
