I’m just gonna get right to it, dear reader. How many PSL’s have you had this year? What is a PSL you ask (if you’re asking, but if you’re not just roll with me)? Why only the crown jewel of all that is autumn in our post-Y2K world! 

The pinnacle of all things autumnal! The paragon of cozy comfort! And to some, maybe a bit overdone, but we don’t need to discuss that. 

Yes, I’m talking about the Pumpkin Spice Latte. A tried and true, I would argue, modern American classic. But where did it all begin? And how could it catapult so quickly into our homes seemingly from nowhere?

Journey To The (Pumpkin) Past

The history of the pumpkin spice latte is simpler than one might think. According to Food & Wine, “pumpkin spice” as a spice blend has been in American kitchens as far back as 1798 in the cookbook American Cookery by Amelia Simmons. This listed two different pumpkin spice blends featuring the spices we all know and love, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, etc. 

But it wasn’t until the 1930’s that we saw actual pumpkin pie spice being sold in stores, the blend that we know as pumpkin pie spice today. 

This quickly became the ubiquitous taste that we all know and love during fall. A hint of both savory and sweet with just a layer of zesty spice. But only a hint, you could almost call it a bit of a fuzzy hint, like the warmth of a wool sweater on a cold day. 

Fast forward to 2003, and according to the official Starbucks archives, the tastemakers in the liquid lab “sampled a forkful of pumpkin pie followed by a sip of hot espresso to tease out which pie flavors best complemented the coffee.” And once that was perfected, a star was born. 

But why? And how? Why and how did this very simple beverage become a beacon of wonder for the fall? Professors have hypothesized that it has to do with nostalgia, coziness, and longing. It tastes like memories of simpler times, and happiness with family and friends. 

That carefree escape even just for a few moments. 

Another Round?

So there you have it, y’all. The history of the pumpkin spice latte. Sure the PSL has gotten its own fair share of critiques and backlash, but if it means I get a small moment of fuzzy joy to get me through the day (at least until my next one) I’ll take it. 

Will you join me?

Until next time,
