Celebrate Pride Safely And Virtually!

Let me be real with you, dear reader. After the Pride month we had last year, this year has been a complete 180 for so many wonderful reasons, and I would argue the most refreshing is the return to community. We’ve mainly seen this with gay bars across the country opening back up (like Cubbyhole, a lesbian bar in Manhattan and personal favorite of mine). 

But we’re also seeing a greater sense of community virtually. After 15 months of Zoom calls, people have started to become more virtual event savvy, and we’re seeing the benefits of this! Especially for Pride 2021. 

Pride 2021 Any Way You Want It

Here are some ways that you can stay safe and also celebrate Pride either virtually or otherwise! 

Deck Out Your Safety Swag With Pride!

If there’s one thing that we’ve seen a lot of this year, it is the usual June 1st-July 1st selling of rainbow splashed shirts and stickers. And while that can sometimes lead to an eyeroll (I talked all about this the other week), proceeds are often for a good cause, if  the products are not already being sold by an LGBT owned organization.

So grab yourself a rainbow sticker and stick it to your hand sanitizer! Wear your trans flag mask proudly! And if you need any of the above we’ve got that here at OIMDE (100% LGBT founded and owned!). 

Attend A Virtual Pride Event!

A good number of Prides across the country and making sure they hold their festivities virtually. So you can attend NYC Pride, LA Pride, or Chicago Pride from the comfort of your own screen. Also, check out how Pride is being broadcast near you! Chances are a town near you is making sure that Pride 2021 is accessible by all. 

Get Vaccinated, Henny! 

In the end, the best thing that you can do right now to make sure you and your friends and loved ones are safe this year, is to get vaccinated. The CDC is very up to date on everything you need to know to get vaccinated, and doing so will help the country as a whole be one step closer to safety for all. Pride 2021 might be great, but if we can all get vaccinated, that only means Pride 2022 will be that much better. 

There ya have it. Now, go get your pride flags (again, we’re selling them here!) and get out there and have a gay ol’ time! 


An In-Person Gala...What A Fantasy!

Picture it. Stockbridge. 2021. 


An annual gala taking place at a prestigious institution and all of the attendees...were together and in-person! 

That’s right, dear reader. Your friends at Only In My Dreams are back in the saddle with planning and producing in-person events, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. Our first major in-person event of 2021 was the Enchanted Gala at the Norman Rockwell Museum to kick off their new exhibition, Enchanted: A History of Fantasy Illustration. 

And in case you weren't aware, yours truly moonlights as drag entertainer extraordinaire, Nancy Nogood, and Nancy was at the gala and able to give you a first hand account of the festivities and the precautions that were taken. Let’s dive in! 


Enter The Fantasy

The entire in-person gala was outdoors, utilizing the expansive grounds that are a hallmark for the museum. The only part that was indoors was, of course, the Enchanted exhibit, and state guidelines were adhered to. 

You entered the gala at the foot of the grounds and were given starting clues for three quests, two written on paper, and one told through QR codes. With these quests the guests wandered through the grounds to various checkpoints, learned about the museum and Norman Rockwell, and enjoyed various food and drink on the lawn. 

At the end of the evening, the guests gathered and cheered for a successful evening of in-person festivities and a prize was given for the best fantasy costume of the evening. As drag extraordinaire I looked fabulous, and was given the prestigious honor of announcing the winner.


Here’s To Many More

And that’s it, friends! If there’s anything that we learned from this weekend, it’s that  in-person events are back and with the right precautions they are here to stay. 

Have any in-person events in your future? I would love to hear about them! Let me know what you’re seeing and how people are finding ways to enjoy themselves in our new normal. And I’ve a couple more photos of the festivities below to give you a taste of what an in-person event from us can look like for you. 

Best Father’s Day Gifts From The Berkshires

We’re here! Another year, another Father’s Day to celebrate all things dad. And if you’re like me or anyone I know you’ll probably wait until the week before and then think to yourself, “meh, I’ve got a few days left before I REALLY need to get the gift.”

Well that was then, and this is 2021. We are waking up and choosing success, and I’m here to help make that happen for you with the best the Berkshires has to offer through our Paraphernalia Packs. Our lines of packs with just what you need for any occasion includes hand picked items locally sourced from the Berkshires. Let me show you what I mean. 

The Stay-At-Home Dad

2020 was a year where parents all over redefined what it meant to be stay-at-home parents. And for dads, this is no different. And for the stay-at-home dad in your life we recommend our best-selling Berkshire Good Morning Pack. With locally sourced Harney & Sons tea, coffee, honey, granola, and more, it’s got everything dad needs to get his day started for everywhere it takes him. 

The Outdoor Dad

Are your father’s day plans including hiking, outdoor lunch, followed by a lovely evening hike? The Loving Nature Pack is perfect for the outdoor dad. The pack includes locally made snacks for the hike, Bees n Blossoms lip balm, and more. Spotlighted in our pack is “Tick’d Off” from Green Branch Urban Farm. An all-natural salve that will keep the ticks off of you all summer long. 

The Grill Master Dad

If this is your dad, you’ve probably already had a cookout or two to kick off your summer 2021. Which makes the BBQing In Our Community Pack perfect for the grill master dad. The pack starts off with a Blue Q apron, and then various grilling accoutrements you can’t go without including the 92nd Street Sauce from Smokey Divas. This Pittsfield restaurant sells their BBQ sauce that will have everyone raving for more. 

The New Dad

Happy First Father’s Day! What an exciting opportunity to get this new dad (or dad-to-be) a pack to help him rest and rejuvenate, when he gets the chance, that is, with our Relaxing and Recovering Pack. With specialty rejuvenating items from VER and Green Branch Urban Farm, this is the new dad gift he might be wanting again and again. 

The Ready For Retirement Dad

And last, but most certainly not least, is the dad who's ready for retirement. If the dad in your life is ready to start this next momentous chapter, the Keeping It Local Pack is a great idea that is also going towards a great cause. This pack is part of our Packs With A Purpose line, where each pack is created with Berkshires organizations in mind. This pack contains hand-selected Berkshires products from local artisans and portions of proceeds from each pack sold goes towards BerkShares, Inc., an organization devoted to fueling the local Berkshires economy. 

Which pack are you interested in? Check out our website for these and our dozens of other packs available for the dad in your life. And Happy Father’s Day!

June Wedding 101

🎶 “For they say when you marry in June, You will always be a bride.” 🎶

I love Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. It was one of my favorite movie musicals to watch as a kid, my favorite was Benjamin played by the dreamy Jeff Richards in his prime, and the song “June Bride” in particular always stuck out to me. 

The song evokes the paragon of timelessness that is a June wedding. But why is that? Why is June the pinnacle time to get married? 

Well, it’s June 1st, dear reader, and I want to find out. Let’s go for it. 

The Month Of Juno

A quick google search will tell you that June was named after Juno, the Roman chief goddess. She represented women and femininity, and in particular women in married life.  

As such, getting married in the month named after the pinnacle of womanhood was traditionally seen as most favorable for any bride. From there, the custom grew. 

Why Have A June Wedding?

But what if that doesn’t matter to you? What if femininity is the last thing on your mind for your wedding? Are there any other reasons to have a June wedding? Yes! 

School’s Out (And Work, Sort Of!)

Practically, June is the start of summer vacation for schools, and generally when people start planning when to take their PTO at work. We’re also more or less around the halfway point from the holiday season, which means your guests are more inclined to have a budget towards a vacation. 

Not Too Hot And Not Too Cold

And weather-wise we’re not quite yet in the dead heat of summer (unless you’re like me and from the South which in this case, good luck). Here in the Berkshires, for instance, the average June temperatures are in the breezy 70’s, which makes for perfect outdoor wedding weather (not to mention we’ve got the perfect outdoor venues!). 

In The End, Why Not?

So there you have it. June has got the receipts to back up why it’s the most popular month for a wedding. Now you might also be factoring in a destination wedding/tourism in another country, or maybe a specific holiday you want to associate your wedding with, and that’s great! 

But if you’re still looking for a wedding date, I say the tried and true June Wedding is one that can’t be beat.

Pride, Parties, And Purchases...Oh My! 🌈

You’re right, the title of this week’s blog is a mouthful! But my mind loves to wander, and as I began writing I went on more tangents than an excited teen talking to the members of BTS (your kids will know who that is). 

Take a trip with me, dear reader, and let’s chat. 

Where Do I Begin? Party Supplies!

Today, we’re talking about sourcing your party supplies. If you’re like me, a virgo, you’re very diligent about sticking to your budget and getting the best deals on your party supplies that are still exactly what you want. So let’s start there. 

There are multiple ways you can make sure that you are making the most out of shopping for party supplies, and still have a wallet to speak of when you’re done. 

One way is shopping wholesale. Just googling “wholesale party supplies” will get you websites like WholesalePartySupplies.com, Oriental Trading, and Koyal Wholesale. Rest assured you’re certain to find a wide range of what you need for your next party and/or event (and Koyal in particular is great for weddings!). 

Another way is shopping locally! An online shopping experience can really seem top notch as it makes the experience very quick and simple, but shopping local brings it to another level. 

When you’re shopping at local vendors or artisans, you’re directly giving back to your immediate economy. And it helps tremendously. You are also building relationships with other members of your community, and planting the seed for future business. 

Your internet browser might bring you to 20 paper lanterns at a great price in an instant, but shopping locally brings you to a person with unique expertise who can help locate just what you’re looking for for your party supplies. And after the 2020 we had, isn’t speaking to another person again just so welcoming? 

And that brings me to...

Shop Locally For Pride

...another reason why I recommend you shop small business. It’s Pride month! And if you haven’t noticed in the past few years, many, many businesses have gotten on the “Pride Merch” bandwagon with their own rainbow t-shirts and mugs and yard signs. 

And while solidarity is appreciated, it often can come off as hollow. Sometimes very much so. It’s called Rainbow Capitalism, and it can be very off-putting, as if the corporation only makes their #LoveIsLove t-shirt until June 31st. What happens on July 1st? Is it more of #LoveIsMeh? #LoveIsAskMeLater? 

Local businesses and small businesses oftentimes send a fuller message with their pride gear. We certainly do, every year! As an LGBT-owned and operated business, and as a certified business with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce, our celebration of our pride is year round. 

So I say, dear reader, why not take a couple more minutes before you purchase that pride tee, and ask yourself, “How far is my dollar going to go?” Is this a LGBT-owned business? If not, are they donating proceeds to an LGBT organization? 

And if you can’t find anyone, we’ve got plenty of pride party supplies to last you until July 1st, and beyond. 

Until Next Time, 


Creating an Insta-Worthy Wedding on a Budget

Another Monday, dear reader. Let’s get right to it.

It’s no secret that having an Instagram-worthy wedding is at the top of many a bride’s list. If you don’t believe us, then hear what almost 3,000 couples had to say.

But what about the budget? Surely, these happy couples don’t reach aesthetic goals without shelling out a pretty penny first, right?

They might’ve, but YOU won’t need to! That’s because I’m here to give you a list of essential wedding hacks so you can put more of your money towards the perfect flower crowns.

5 Budget-Friendly Insta-Worthy WEDDING Tips!

The Perfect Venue Is Closer Than You Think - You probably know this already from looking at your bank account, but securing your venue will likely be one of your biggest expenses. Use your network to your advantage! Who do you know with a backyard or property that’s just gorgeous? How about someone with connections to a restaurant with the perfect venue? 

Say Yes To The Dress...For Now! - The wedding dress is a central part to the entire wedding experience for many brides. But what do you do with it when you’re finished? If you only see the dress going to the back of your closet after your wedding (or if you have had your eye on a certain higher end designer) renting your gown is a cost-effective option worth considering. This could also give you more freedom in selecting the gown that fits your ideal look for your wedding. 

Experience Over Gifts - We’re seeing it everywhere that millennials are choosing experiences over purchasing items, and curating a honeymoon that’s just as insta-worthy as your wedding isn’t a low cost venture either. To help with that, have your guests send in money towards your honeymoon (there are plenty of programs online like Honeyfund that could help you) in lieu of gifts. A honeymoon fund can go further than you think. 

Cake Vs Cupcakes - Who doesn’t love cupcakes? Seriously though, wedding cupcakes can prove to be a very cost-effective option. Narrowing down your quantity based off of guests can help prevent leftover cake going straight to the trash at the reception. 

Plan. Early. - This is our last, and most certainly not least, cost-saving tip because this is arguably the most important! Plan your wedding as early as you possibly can. Doing so will help you layout everything you’re wanting for your insta-worthy wedding, and see where in your budget you can shift your money. Wedding websites like The Knot have a wedding budget planner that you can use.


I hope this helps you see your dream of your #instawedding become a reality! Do you have any ideas? I would love to hear your insight in the comments. Also, did we meet yet? I’m still new here but you can read more about me in last week’s blog entry here

Until next time! 


I'm Philip And It’s So Nice To Meet You!


It’s so nice to meet you, dear reader. My name is Philip Calabro, and I’m the newest member to the team at Only In My Dreams Events.

As you are probably aware, Matt has gone on to live his best vino life in Rhode Island, and I have been left with the keys to the blog. 

I’m also joining the team as our ✨Day Of Wedding Coordinator✨, so if you’re thinking of having your wedding with us, you’ll certainly be hearing more from me!

More About Me

A little bit about me! I’m a Southern transplant (any other Carolinians?) who’s now based in Coney Island, NY after a few life changing years in the Berkshires. 

My passion in life is in both my work as an actor and drag artist, as well as showing the world the power of the human connection. And it’s in that that brought me to work with Oskar and Mike. 

As humans, I truly believe in the importance of coming together and finding connection in community, even more so after the 2020 that we had. And as we move through 2021 in our new normal the importance of connecting can’t be stressed enough. 

What’s Next For The OIMDE Blog

So with all of that said, I can’t wait to meet you here the same time next week, dear reader. I’ll be bringing you the same wedding hacks and wine recommendations you’ve come to know from Matt, but I’ll also be bringing some topics of my own. 

Be on the lookout for more about the Berkshires, definitely some recipes from my favorite chefs, and so much more. 

Have you got any ideas of what you would like to see? Leave me a comment below! I would love to hear from you. 

Until next time!

I Wish You All The Joy That You Can Wish, 


Summer Fun Wines and Goodbyes

Hello Everyone!

Matt here. Sadly, this is my last blog post with Only In My Dreams Events. The year and a few months that I’ve spent here has been amazing and I can’t thank Oskar and Mike enough for all that they have done for me, but it’s time to move on to different pastures. I’ll be working as a wine associate and buyer in Providence, Rhode Island. So, I thought that a great final blog for me would be about what wines to drink this summer and why!

1. What to look for in a summer White Wine: when the heat is getting to you and you’re looking for the perfect, refreshing glass of wine look for wines with high acidity, light to medium body and dry as a bone. Many wine that have those qualities have a good bite to them and make wonderful to amazing summer dishes like seafood and fattier cuts of meats on the grill. Look for dry Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc or a fabulous and slightly bubbly Albariño. Some of my fave labels are Loveblock Sauv Blanc, Trimbach Riesling, and Burgans Albariño Rias Baixas.

2. Rosé all day babyyyyyy! Whereas most other wines get better with age, rosés are meant to be drunk young. They come from sweet to bone dry, so anyone’s pallet can be satiated by a great rosé. The best rosés in my opinion are on the dryer side and come from France or Italy with some exceptions for fabulous Californian pinks. Provençal blends are delicious as well as some great single varietals like Rosé of Sangiovese or Pinot Noir. A lesser known but equally yummy rosé is made from the Grenache grape which tend to be dry with notes of watermelon, strawberry and bright lemon notes. Some of my fave rosé producers are Whispering Angel, Parallel 45, and Fleurs de Prairie.

3. Reds are a little bit tricky for the summer. Most reds that people enjoy are best in the winter due to their full body structure, deep rich taste and high alcohol by volume. So what if you want a glass of red in the middle of the summer? You’ll want to try to find the exact opposite of your fave winter reds. So for a light body, low alcohol and higher acidity. These three qualities lend to a red that can be chilled and still be delish. Think of Pinot Noir, German Zweigelt, or a light French red like Cinsault. American Cab Francs are also lovely with a bit of a chill. Some of my fave labels are the great Domaine de Chanteleuserie Cab Franc from the Loire, Sancerre Rouge by Henri Bourgeois, and Kutch Pinot Noir from Sonoma.

4. And of course, you CAN NOT forget the bubbly. There are fabulous sparkling wines in almost every wine growing region in the world. Try a great small producer from Les Mesnil in Champagne, fabulous Perle di Piera Presecco, or a beautiful Cremant de Bourgogne from Chateau de Lavernette.

I hope that you all find this to be helpful this summer, and if you ever have any questions feel free to reach out to ENO Fine Wines in Providence, RI and ask for me! Thank you all so much for reading these blogs.



5 Fun Ways to Celebrate Mom

Especially after the fabulous past year we’ve all had, we are appreciating mom even more than we used to; and Mother’s Day is the day to show her how much you love her. So we here at Only In My Dreams have come up with a brief list of fun things to do to celebrate your mom.

1) Enjoy a virtual cooking class.

Make an elaborate meal for mom by attending a virtual cooking class. Mom can either get in on the fun, or she can enjoy the cooking shenanigans from the comfort of the couch. There are a number of virtual cooking classes available — start by checking out MasterClass, Craftsy, and Airbnb Online Experiences.

2) Make mom breakfast in bed.

An oldie but a goodie, breakfast in bed is a great way for mom to kickstart her Mother's Day celebration. Make breakfast as a family while mom sleeps, then present it to her along with her Mother's Day gifts and a funny Mother's Day card to truly make her day a special one.

3) Host a virtual Mother's Day celebration.

Just because you might not be able to safely celebrate Mother's Day via a large in-person celebration, doesn't mean that you or the moms in your life have to miss out on all the fun. You can host a virtual Mother's Day event via Zoom or Skype and bring the party to mom. You can play a fun game on Zoom, ask attendees to bake or buy a Mother's Day cake beforehand, and have Mom open up her Mother's Day presents in front of everyone.

4) Help mom in the garden.

May is the perfect month for Mom to start prepping her garden for summer. Get in on the action and help mom clean up her flower beds, plant seeds, and spruce up bushes. She'll no doubt appreciate you making some vegetable suggestions as well, knowing they'll end up on a dinner plate in the near future.

5) Sign mom up for a virtual baking class.

If your mom is more of a baker than a chef, sign her up for a virtual baking class on or around Mother's Day. You can either join in on the fun, or give mom the space for her to zen out and enjoy some baking"me time." You search for online baking classes at CozyMeal or MasterClass, or order Mom a baking subscription box from Whisk Takers.

Wedding Toasts: Who, How, and When to Give Them!

When it comes to weddings, there are several people who customarily give speeches or toasts at various festivities surrounding a couple's big day. From the engagement party to the wedding day, there are many opportunities for people to give a toast. If you think you might need to give a toast at some point, you need to know who typically gives wedding toasts, when and where they occur, as well as how to write the perfect wedding toast, no matter what role you play in the wedding celebrations.

How to Write a Great Wedding Toast

Background. Give context by introducing yourself to the room, especially if you don't know the majority of the guests. Even if you do know most of the attendants, this is a good practice so everyone listening has a frame of reference.

Meaningful anecdote. Share some sweet history by explaining to the room how you know the bride and/or groom. Always include both the bride and groom in your speech, no matter whose side of the wedding party you are part of. Share a brief story of how you met and how you came to know the happy couple in their relationship.

Comic relief. It is perfectly appropriate to be funny and include humor in your speech, but not at the expense of the bride or groom on their special day. Keep it light-hearted and universal when it comes to humor in your wedding toasts.

Turning point. Share a moment when the couple knew they were meant to last forever, or a moment when you saw in your friend that he or she had found "the one."

Conclusion. Wrap it up nicely. Always end the speech with a kind wish or blessing for the couple, and raise a toast in their honor.


Tips for Wedding Toast Success

Don't miss these tips for writing and giving a great wedding toast:

Be brief, but not too brief. Your speech should last less than 5 minutes and should be sure to hold the attention of the audience.

Practice your speech. Spend time rehearsing, it's better to speak from the heart than to read off a set of index cards. Practice enough to appear natural, but not perfectly polished.

Be sure to smile. You're celebrating two people who obviously mean a great deal to you, so do your best to keep a pleasant look on your face the entire time. 

Keep it positive. Share stories or memories of the couple together that are happy and positive. This is a joyous occasion, so leave any sad and heart-wrenching details for another time.

Use only good-hearted humor. Don't share any truly embarrassing stories about either individual getting married. If it's something they wouldn't want grandma to hear, it's safe to assume the story is off limits.

Stay away from inside jokes. If a story you'd like to include falls into "you had to be there" territory, it's best to leave it out of your toast so as not to alienate the other guests.


Stay true to who you are. Don't go for an overly humorous toast if you're more of a sentimental type, and don't go for tears if you're more of a funny guy. Be natural and stay true to who you are and to your relationship with the couple.

Use meaningful quotes. Consider quoting a meaningful line from a movie, poem or book in your toast to hit the heartstrings of the fellow wedding guests.


And Finally, Who Should Give A Wedding Toast/ Speech

Best Man: The best man is typically the first to make a speech or toast to the couple at the wedding reception.

Maid of Honor / Matron of Honor: Next up in regards to the order of toasts would be the maid or matron of honor.

Bride and Groom: It's normal for the bride and groom to say a few words to their guests and thank them for coming.

Parents of the Bride or Groom: ​Typically the bride's parents will give a toast, particularly if they are hosting the wedding. The groom's parents may also give a toast.    

It's an Emergency!!! What to Pack for Wedding Emergencies!

A lot of us have been there. It’s an hour before the ceremony begins and something goes wrong. It’s as though it’s an unspoken rule: some little emergency MUST happen on the most important day of your life. So if you’re getting married, be prepared and pack an emergency kit for both the bride and groom, you’ll be thankful you did. But what do you pack in an emergency kit? We have the answers for you!

While it may seem superfluous to pack all of the following, you never know what’s going to happen so make sure someone close to you has the following:

  • AA Batteries

  • AAA Batteries

  • Candle Lighter

  • Cleaning Cloth

  • Duct Tape

  •  Scotch Tape

  • Flash Lights

  • Hammer/Screwdriver

  • Hole Puncher

  • Markers

  • Nails

  • Pen

  • Post it Note

  • Notecards

  • Scissor

  • Sewing Kit

  • Shout Wipes

  • Stapler/Staples

  • Super Glue

  • “Swiss Army Knife”

  • Tacks

  • Trash Bags

  • Pack of Thank You Cards

  • Guest Book

  • Champagne Flutes

  • Cake Cutter

  • Umbrella

  • Pack of Place Cards

  • Pack of Escort Cards

  • Pack of Kleenex

We’ve been around for so many weddings, and we’ve seen what is necessary to have so you can be certain your day is going to go off with out a hitch! All of the above items are important to have around. You might not think you need them but, you very well could, especially the ones we’ve highlighted in bold. These are some of the most useful, but also most forgotten items needed for any bride or groom. Only In My Dreams Events knows this all too well, and have put all of these items together for you, so you aren’t running around like a chicken with it’s head lopped off the day before the ceremony. Check out the General Pack and the Wedding Pack on our website to pick one up! We know you’ll be glad you did1

Wedding Welcome Bags : Part 2 Your Bridal Party

While giving your bridesmaids thank-you gifts isn't required, it never goes unappreciated. Odds are, your wedding party has already helped out a ton (think: pitching in for the bridal shower, organizing a bachelorette getaway and volunteering their time for bridesmaid dress fittings). Bridesmaid gifts are a thoughtful token of your gratitude to show them just how much their support means to you.

The best bridesmaid gifts are the ones that show you've put thought into choosing them. That could mean personalizing each item, picking something that fits their interests, simply choosing cute bridesmaid gifts in their style, or assembling bridesmaid gift baskets full of useful or pampering accessories. Even if you're looking for bridesmaid gift ideas on the cheap, there are plenty of options to show your appreciation. Below are a few ideas for what to include!

Custom Friendship Bracelets

Shopping for a childhood BFF-turned-bridesmaid? This cute and casual piece of jewelry gives a nod to traditional friendship bracelets thanks to its adorable beading. It just goes to show that small bridesmaid gifts can be big tokens of gratitude. The bracelets can be customized for each bridesmaid by including their initials and the date of your wedding!

A Pampering Gift Set

Set your girls up with a luxurious pampering set! A kit of fancy lip, face and eye care essentials totally fits the bill. They'll be glowing long after the big day! And throw in a cute, inexpensive, silk eye mask. This will ensure that everyone is well rested and ready to go!


Liquor is essential. It just is. So, for your bridesmaids, go all out and get them a great bottle of wine or booze in a sweet customized bottle with their monogrammed initials and the date of the big day. They can keep that bottle forever as a reminder of the fabulous time they had.


Custom robes are also a really great gift! What bridesmaid wouldn't love a soft satin robe to wear for lounging? Giving this cute bridesmaid gift tells your friends they deserve a little R&R. Plus, it's a practical present for the morning of the wedding day.

Monogrammed Bag

If they love to travel—and not just to your shower and bachelorette party—they'll get lots of use out of a weekend bag. Have it embroidered with their initials for a sweet personal touch! Its also the perfect vessel for all of the gifts listed above!

Unique Guest Book Ideas!

Every major life event, especially weddings, require a guest book of some kind. Something to record peoples’ presence and to share memories that you’ll have for the rest of your lives. But just having a plain book is starting to get a little stale; so we’ve decided to do some research and give our readers a few more options to use!  

Wine Corks

Whether you're getting married at a winery or just love indulging in a nice glass of vino at the end of the day, a heart-shaped guest book made of wine corks is creative and chic. After the wedding, you can hang it in your kitchen or above a bar cart.

Instant Photos

Looking for fun wedding guest sign-in ideas? As they arrive at your reception, have them snap selfies using an instant camera/ polaroid. Then, each guest can add their photo and a handwritten note to this personalized album. At the end of the night, you'll have a collection of snapshots to take home and treasure for years to come.

Wooden Blocks

If game nights are your thing, then we think you'll love this unique wedding guest book idea. Create a custom set of wooden blocks by asking each guest to sign their name on a piece. Think Jenga.

Anniversary Wine

Here's another alternative wedding guest book idea if you're having a vineyard wedding: wine bottles. Before the big day, purchase a few bottles to share with your spouse on future anniversaries, add these cute custom labels, and then ask your guests to sign them. When the time comes to open each one, you'll love reading all the names and reminiscing!

Wooden Hearts

Miniature wooden hearts are one of the most creative wedding guest book ideas, and they work especially well for rustic themes. Plus, the shadow box frame is perfect for showcasing the mini hearts as a unique decorative piece in your home. Place the shadow box and a bowl of blank wooden hearts and ask your guests to sign a heart and drop it into the box!

Easter Basket Ideas!

As we continue to make our way through the last few months of this pandemic (hopefully), we continue to think about all of the ways that we can provide our friends and family with quality, fun and in some cases local products as gifts or even treats for ourselves! So, with Easter just around the corner we at Only In My Dreams Events have come up with a way to tie in our packs as Easter gifts!

Available solely at The Shop, we now have some of your favorite Berkshire Packs packed up and ready for Easter. While we only have a limited number of baskets made up, we can make any of our Paraphernalia Packs, Berkshire Packs or Packs with a Purpose into a beautiful Easter package!

Other Easter Basket Plans:

Basket of Bulbs

For the friends/ family members that love flowers/ love to garden a Basket of Bulbs might be the way to go. Not every Easter basket needs to be filled with candy: This one is just as sweet, thanks to clusters of mini daffodils planted in a bed of clump moss. Since the basket is lined with a plastic pot, the flowers can be watered so they'll blossom long past Easter. Add to the holiday tableau by resting a few eggs on the moss! You can thank the one and only Martha Stewart for that idea!

Self Care Easter Basket

This basket is a fabulous idea, and is great for that stressed friend we all have or simply for ourselves; this has been a very stressful year after-all. Fill the basket with items that will make you feel great and relaxed. Face masks, candles, soft face cloths, tea, bath salts and aromatherapy lotion is a great start!

Grown Ups Only Basket

This one is so easy to go wild with. Just think of anything that the average adult likes. In my opinion a great basket would include a bottle of wine or your favorite spirit, a nice pair of glasses, your favorite snack like a nut blend or cheese selection, a fresh baguette and a bottle of sparkling water. Just think of all of the possibilities!

Coffee or Tea Lovers Basket

For your friends that LOVE caffeine this is the best option. Find a great, craft and local coffee roaster or tea maker like Barrington Coffee Roasters or Harney and Sons, a beautiful hand crafted mug, snacks like biscotti, chocolate or coffee cake and wrap it up in a beautiful basket!

Wedding Games! How to Make Breaking the Ice Fun!

We’ve all been there. That awkward moment during a wedding cocktail hour where you’re forced to make conversation with some random person that you have nothing in common with. There’s nothing worse than being sat with the JOP or priest and have nothing to say, and having to act as demure and appropriate as possible. So, we here at Only In My Dreams Events have partnered with Siege Media to bring your wedding guests a touch of extra fun and flair on your special day. Check out these great printable games below!

One of our favorite offerings is the Never Have I Ever game! The rules are simple; each person at the table has a paddle, one side saying I Have Done That and the other saying I Have NOT Done That. Each person asks a question, and you respond with either side of the paddle! Simple, fun, helps you engage with your fellow table guests!

Another favorite is the Message In A Bottle! Leave a message with a few words of advice or encouragement for the newly weds; and when their one year anniversary arrives, they can open each bottle and reminisce over their special day and all of the notes that they received from their loved ones!

Check the following link for more great wedding games and ideas: https://www.zola.com/expert-advice/newlywed-game-questions#printables

Greeting Cards! They're More Relevant Than Ever

Think about picking up your mail, there’s a bright card envelope among the bills, and instantly your day is brighter. It brings the knowledge that someone cares enough about you to take the time to pick out and mail a special message to you. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary or the annual holiday card, it is sure to bring a smile to your face. E-mail would be difficult to create the same emotional response.

The birthday card with its tradition of sentiment and goodwill can lift your friend’s morale just knowing you cared enough to remember. The sincerity and comfort of a sympathy card can express feelings you may have difficulty expressing verbally. An annual holiday greeting card sent to family and friends allows you to keep in touch and reminds everyone that you are thinking of them.

A greeting card can and will express all of the emotions: joy, thanks, sympathy, humor, love and admiration. It allows us to connect on an emotional level with the people who have touched our lives. Sending personalized greeting cards allows us a vast variety of sentiments that allow us to express our caring to family, friends, customers, clients and employees.

Select a card that has nothing on the inside, and take a few moments to express your thoughts …”Just thought we’d send a quick note to say we love you and wish you the best on your birthday:)….love Mom and Dad”. The person receiving the card will appreciate it that much more!

So, the next time you are debating shooting off a quick e-mail or sending an actual greeting card, you may want to ask yourself which one conveys the kind of message you wish to send. For a wide selection of simple, to extravagant, serious to funny greeting cards stop by the Shop in South Egremont. Brands like the fabulous Party Mountain Paper Co. and the famous Lovepop, to hand made cards are available to shop today! Sending a card will never go out of style, so stop by and check them out today!

Hosting Game Nights on Zoom! How to do it, and what to play!

If you’re like most people who have hunkered down as a way to practice social distancing, you’re probably feeling pretty bored right about now. After all, there are only so many times you can walk your dog, home school your kids. So, it’s time to let off a little steam with a game night. But if game night usually includes other friends and relatives, it might feel like something (or someone) is missing. That’s when you need to log back onto your computer and figure out how to have a Zoom family game night.

Hopping on video chat can be a great way to feel less isolated. Folks everywhere are propping up their phones while they cook together, watch movies, or simply have conversations. But the fun of a game night, in particular, can make these quiet evenings seem a little less strange and a lot more nostalgic. Battling it out with friends might even ease coronavirus-related anxiety as you focus your mind elsewhere.

Here, a few ideas for ways to have a Zoom game night, so you can stay connected from afar.

1)      Trivia

You may not be crammed into your favorite bar booth with five of your closest friends, but you can still recreate trivia night by playing together on Zoom. Start by making sure that every body has the same set of Trivia cards.

From there, figure out how you'll communicate. Each team will need a private space to whisper answers, like a breakout room, but you can all meet back in the main "bar" area on Zoom. Give everyone 30 seconds to deliberate, and then have them submit answers via DM.

Of course, as with any trivia night, you'll want and need rules. Remind players to stay off Google, to put their phones down, and to only get answers from teammates — not their roommate, who is a fount of 90s music knowledge. And just like that, you'll have recreated trivia night from the safety of your homes.

2)      Charades

This is probably one of the easiest games to play over video chat because it involves little to no setup. Mostly everyone knows and loves the concept of charades. It is a great party game to choose when you cannot decide on anything else to play.

Over your Zoom video chat, form two teams and make sure everyone has the ability to connect via a webcam or a built in camera. Choose someone from your team to privately chat one other person on the opposing team to tell them which word or phrase they must act out.

The person must act out the word or phrase while everyone on their team tries to guess. You can pin the person’s video who is doing the acting out on camera so that you can see their video full screen. Have someone from the other team set a timer for 30 seconds or a minute (based on preference).

If the team can guess what the person is acting out within the timeframe, then they recieve a point. If they fail to guess the word or phrase, then they receive no points and its the other team’s turn.

3)      Pictionary

Pictionary is a classic game-night game, in part because the rules are so simple. To play, divide your group into teams. Use the actual board game or look up a Pictionary word generator on line, and choose a team to play first, as well as a designated drawer on that team. The drawer generates a word and has one minute to draw that word for their team to guess. If the team guesses the card correctly, they get a point.

These games listed above are just a few of the easiest to play with friends over Zoom! There are so many more, most of which can be purchased at The Shop in South Egremont! We get new games almost weekly, so stop by to check them out, and start planning your Zoom Game Night today!

Event Hacks Part 1: Candles

Everyone knows that candles bring a touch of elegance and ambiance! But what people always seem to forget is that they burn quickly, cause wax to spill out onto surfaces, and can be finished with in just a few hours… Well, we have the perfect event hack for you: Lucid Candles.

Lucid Candles look like real candles, feature a real flame and don’t cause a giant mess! They are actually oil lamps that only burn using their patented wick and oil.

The Candles come in many different sizes, colors, patterns and last far longer than a conventional wax candle. With a small bottle of Lucid Oil a candle can burn for 100 hours, and with a larger bottle of Lucid Oil the candle can burn for 200 hours! So ditch the old and pick up a few Lucid Candles for your next event. Available at the Shop by Only In My Dreams Events in South Egremont!

Check Out the Videos Below!

Staying Home in 2021

Many of us have wisely decided to stay at home and avoid crowds and the risk of either catching the virus or unintentionally infecting other people. You may find yourself feeling isolated, depressed, bored, worried, ruminating, and hopeless. You are not alone. We are going through a national traumatic experience where many people believe their lives are imminently threatened, that the economy will collapse and never recover, and that life will never be the same.

The key thing to keep in mind is that we actually don’t know what will happen, but we do know that an enormous national and world effort is underway to try to contain the spread and lessen the effects. We are finally at the stage of having a vaccine and we are patiently waiting for our turn at getting the “jab”. Meanwhile, we are all in an international emergency together. And we have been asked to reduce our interactions, distance ourselves, and–in some cases—stay at home.

We know that isolation and passivity are the perfect storm for getting depressed and losing hope. It is possible that you wake up in the morning, worried, anxious and depressed and think that there is nothing to do and that you are completely isolated. How can you cope with what feels like a never-ending lockdown? Here are a few tips to help you keep your chin up and keep busy.

Reach out to friends and family. Just because you are “shut in” doesn’t mean you are “shut off." Make a list of friends—even people you haven’t had contact with in the past several years. Think about family members—list them as well. Then begin to email or text some of them that you would like to touch base with and check in. Maybe even call someone! We tend to forget that our smartphones are also telephones that we can speak on! So, think about taking that step and call some people. Video platforms are also very useful. Use Skype, Zoom or FaceTime, all of which are free services to actually see each other. Keep track of your experience and how it feels after. Try to reach out to someone every day.

Schedule daily activities. Just because you are at home doesn’t mean there is nothing to do. The night before the next day, make a list of things that you can do during the next day. The great thing about a list for the next day is that you wake up and you know that there are things that you will do. This will give you an hourly purpose, a sense of being effective, and will help distract you from your worries. Each activity should have a purpose. At the end of the day look at your TO DO list and check off what you did and what it feels like to have done it. If there are items you missed, put them on the list for tomorrow. Make a list for the next week, month, and two months. The more you do, the more you keep busy, the better you will feel.

Get some exercise. You can stream YOUTUBE videos that can serve as your personal trainer to nag you to get some exercise in your home. You don’t need a fancy gym to exercise. You can do Yoga, sit-ups, run in place, and other exercises right at home. Getting your pulse rate up, pushing yourself a little more will get those endorphins going. DO IT. Trust me, you’ll feel better.

Make a list of readings and videos. I read a lot—but I am always feeling that I don’t have time for all the reading I want to do. So now is the time for that. It’s wonderful that you can access a lot of free books through your public library--- you can download e-books and audiobooks for free. Go to your public library website and see how you can access these items. Now is a time to get absorbed in a good read—something that is not related to pandemics.

Make an exciting purchase. Something that will keep you excited and look forward to receiving. Some companies are making boxes and packs that are aimed at keeping people busy and healthy while the pandemic runs rampant. At the Shop by Only In My Dreams Events we have plenty of packs to chose from if cooking, drinking, games, hygiene, and puzzles are your thing we have just the pack for you! And we also have surprise options available as well! Take a look here  https://www.onlyinmydreamsevents.com/the-shop-online

New Years Eve: Traditions From Around the World

New Years Eve is a special time for everyone. On a normal NYE we gather with friends, family and sometimes even strangers to celebrate the passing of the old year and the dawning of a new one! In the US it is a tradition to watch the ball drop on Times Square in NYC, have a few cocktails and watch fireworks. And while some other English-speaking countries like England and Australia may do the same, many other countries have different, special traditions. The following nine countries had some of the most interesting practices:


In Spain, it is customary to eat 12 grapes – one at each stroke of the clock at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Each grape represents good luck for one month of the coming year. In bigger cities like Madrid and Barcelona, people gather in main squares to eat their grapes together and pass around bottles of cava.


In hopes of a travel-filled new year, residents of Colombia carry empty suitcases around the block. That’s one New Year’s tradition we can get behind!


Residents of Denmark greet the New Year by throwing old plates and glasses against the doors of family and friends to banish bad spirits. They also stand on chairs and jump off of them together at midnight to “leap” into January in hopes of good luck.


In Finland, people predict the coming year by casting molten tin into a container of water, then interpreting the shape the metal takes after hardening. A heart or ring means a wedding, while a ship predicts travel and a pig declares there will be plenty of food.


To drive off evil spirits for a fresh New Year’s start, it is tradition to burn effigies (muñecos) of well-known people such as television characters and political figures. The effigies are meant to represent the old year.


During Scotland’s New Year’s Eve celebration of Hogmanay, “first-footing” is practiced across the country. The first person who crosses a threshold of a home in the New Year should carry a gift for luck. Scots also hold bonfire ceremonies where people parade while swinging giant fireballs on poles, supposedly symbols of the sun, to purify the coming year.


You’ll find round shapes all over the Philippines on New Year’s Eve as representatives of coins to symbolize prosperity in the coming year. Many families display piles of fruit on their dining tables and some eat exactly 12 round fruits (grapes being the most common) at midnight. Many also wear polka dots for luck.



In Brazil, as well as other Central and South America countries like Ecuador, Bolivia, and Venezuela, it is thought to be lucky to wear special underwear on New Year’s Eve. The most popular colors are red, thought to bring love in the New Year, and yellow, thought to bring money.


An onion is traditionally hung on the front door of homes on New Year’s Even in Greece as a symbol of rebirth in the New Year. On New Year’s Day, parents wake their children by tapping them on the head with the onion.

Have any of your own New Years’ Eve festivities or Traditions that you’d like to share? Comment below in the comments section or on our posts on social media, we’d love to hear from you!

Stay Happy. Stay Healthy. Stay Safe.

Happy New Year

Oskar, Mike and Matt