If you’ve been keeping up, dear reader, I’ve given you a tour through all of my fantastical fall favorites. Everything about the season that makes it my favorite, and maybe yours, too! 

Of course, this all culminates with the ultimate (in my humble opinion) autumnal celebration: Halloween! And not only is Halloween pleasing for the aesthetic and the nostalgia, but Halloween has some tried and true health benefits, as well! 

Keep reading as I go on with the health benefits of Halloween. 

Spook Yourself To Good Health

My favorite of the myriad health benefits of Halloween is that a good spook from a haunted house, horror flick, what name you, may lead to a stronger metabolism. 

According to an article in TIME Magazine, a study back in 2003 at Coventry University found that horror films could lead to an increase in white blood cells. This “good stress” from watching a horror movie can trigger a “fight-or-flight” response in the body which might lead to a short term increase in immune function. 

And while we do know that a good scare from horror movies leads to your body releasing adrenaline, it’s after the viewing when your body will also release serotonin and dopamine

Trick-Or-Treat Yourself

Looking for those halloween candy sales on November 1st? Make sure to put dark chocolate at the top of your list. Besides being the superior chocolate by taste (don’t believe me, then ask this survey where nearly everyone agrees with me) dark chocolate also contains flavonoids, certain chemicals found in plants that act as antioxidants. But be sure to look for around 70% cacao or higher, as less than that will have more sugar and additives. 

Community Celebration At Its Finest

We all know the nostalgic feeling of trick-or-treating, but that feeling doesn’t stop when you’re too old to go trick-or-treating (which I’m firming in the camp of you’re never too old, but I digress). 

Halloween is a time to wear a fun costume, and join your friends in the festivities. It’s the beginning of a seemingly over monetized holiday season, where the holiday still has its charm. 

So have fun with it! Use this as a time to relax, de-stress, and enjoy the festivities. 

Until next time...

Or in the words of my favorite Halloween icon, Elvira…

Unpleasant dreams…