I don’t know about you, dear reader, but between all of the kids I saw getting on buses and the delightful dose of apple in my coffee this morning, it’s fall! Fall is here and y’all I couldn’t be more ready to dive right into the crisp and cozy weather. 

And if there’s one place that does fall right it's The Berkshires. Everywhere I turn is another picturesque view of trees and hills complemented by scenic villages and always beautiful artwork.

And maybe it’s just because it was in fall that I first saw the artwork from this month’s artist spotlight, but there’s something about her work that captures a sense of serene feel of the Berkshires in the fall for me and carries it year-around. Which is why I’m so excited to have sat down with VER of Veronica Martin Design

When did you start your work as an artist, and when did it evolve into the work that we see and sell at The Shop? 

What I have found is there is no point where one starts being an artist. An artist is always that. What is seen as my brand VER was a lifetime in the making, and in 2018 I established my company Veronica Martin Design.


Your cage vase work is incredibly unique, with such a refreshing design, and is a signature style for you. What led to creating work like this?

Thank you.  All of my work— the cage vases, skincare, and candles — is born out of not only a personal love but also a personal need. The notion that form must sacrifice in the name of function is something I’ve always contended with. Cage vases are a unique concept of functional art which allow you to have full control of your floral arrangements' appearance and also provide visual interest when not in use. In everything I make, the concept is natural for me to conjure and evolve.

Is there an artist in particular that inspires you and your artwork?

It’s mostly emotion that inspires me — and that emotion is mostly joy! I make art in the name of happiness. It’s what I love to do, and I have fun with it!

What’s your favorite spot in the Berkshires to tell people about (besides The Shop of course 😜)?

Favorite shopping spots: I always love to tell people about the shops that carry VER! In addition to The Shop — One Mercantile, Sett, the Showcase Boutique at Canyon Ranch, and Township Four are a few of the great places to not only find my products, but other wonderful things. The stores that carry VER curate a collection of products that speak to certain values in life. 

Favorite other spots: Personal favorite places like solitude hikes, sunset views, the best trees, and skinny dipping spots are secrets — and I tend not to tell on my secrets!

As an artist living in 2021, what is one message you want to spread to the world?

Art is a guidewire for understanding the human experience and our place in the world.  It’s a fundamental protagonist in the story of life.  Art is not only a critical human right, but our power. There’s so much going on that we lose track of certain things: ourselves, each other, mindfulness, context, beauty, breathing, digestion, the meaning of things.  Creativity. Art influences our daily well-being. Sustain art. It’s here to remind us about what is so great about us.

Thank you to Veronica for taking the time to speak with me this week, and if you’re interested in more of VER, check out Veronica’s office website, and of course, see what she’s created at The Shop. 

Until next time! 
