If you couldn’t already tell by any of my previous blog posts (especially last week’s) it’s that I am obsessed. With. Fall. This is the season I was born into (well sort of), and as an artist this is the season where I feel the most creative. The most at home artistically! 

But What About...

Oh. And it’s Halloween season! Which festivities and merriment all month long. 

But a Halloween party is no joke. With an estimated $6 billion spent annually on Halloween traditions and trick-or-treating, you’re not going to be the only haunted celebration on the block. 

Halloween Party Tips Galore!

So with that in mind, here’s the tips you need for the perfect spooky soirée. 

Stick To Your Theme

As anyone knows, halloween means ghosts, vampires, zombies, and all other sorts of spooks to lurk around the corner. But within each of these is another subset of spooks to explore! 

Use that! Even a quick google (my girl, The Pioneer Woman, has a great list) can turn your generic halloween party into a haunted house, transylvanian palace of vampires, or zombie fest. 

Grown-Up Candy For The Kid In All Of Us

We all loved trick-or-treating as kids, but you don’t need to have bowls of Snickers and Twix bars set out at your Halloween party with your friends. 

That said there are plenty of ways for you to bring the kid out of anyone with the perfect grown-up treats. Bloody Mary syringes anyone? Mummy meatballs? Even ways to elevate the classic candied apple are going to be a surefire hit. Check out this list from delish for all you need to know. 

You’ll Thank You Later

I feel like this is so very Peter Pan of me, but as adults we will sometimes find ourselves just throwing on a sheet for our costume and asking our audience to suspend their disbelief to the point of going cross-eyed.

We lose our imaginations and resign to the world of “does it really matter?” And sure, it’s not brain surgery, but it’s seemingly the ultimate chance to unwind and escape from the world we’re in right now. And it’s good for you! 

Studies have shown that there are real world health benefits to Halloween for adults. So with that said, why not let loose? 

Have fun this Halloween season, dear reader. That’s what it’s here for. You’ve got the two months following to worry about families and holiday stress, but for now get spooky just for the sake of it.