Board Games Are Making A Comeback!

2020 has not been very kind to us. We have spent three-quarters of this year battling the Coronavirus, locked up inside our houses. Months have passed, and we don’t know how long it will take for the world to come back to normalcy. These times are tough, indeed, but we have got to stay positive and make good use of this time that we have been asked to spend at our homes. We can work on ourselves and do more of what we love doing. As if that wasn’t good enough, people are also embracing their inner child by spending their time playing board games. Let’s have a look at a few board games that people are playing during this Coronavirus pandemic according to!


Pandemic is a board game in which the players are expected to eradicate the diseases that are spreading all across the globe. Surprisingly, this is the game that received the most significant spike in its searches online during this crisis. It could be because people are finding respite in eliminating diseases and saving the world even if it is only a game. While children might not completely understand what this game is all about, Pandemic makes for a great board game for adults.


Ludo is a board game that has been around for as long as we can remember. It was derived from the sixth-century Indian game, Pachisi, and it has managed to maintain its craze to date. Ludo is an all-time favorite pastime activity for almost all Indian households. That could be the reason why it is the third most popular mobile game worldwide, not to mention most of its players are Asian.


Monopoly is a board game that is loved all across Europe and Asia for all the right reasons. During the pandemic, people all across the world have proved their dedication towards Monopoly by making it the second most popular game online. The reason behind the widespread popularity of this game could be its versatility. Monopoly is available in 37 different languages after being reproduced in 103 countries.

The Game of Life

The Game of Life is a board game that was also much searched for amongst other more popular games during the Coronavirus pandemic. It interests people because it takes people through the journey of childhood to adulthood, making them experience everything between school to retirement during the game, not to forget that it is just a board game. It is often called Life instead of the full name – Game of Life.

Do you love playing these games but are looking for something different? Then stop by the Shop in South Egremont and pick up one or more of our fabulous board games and puzzles! They’re sure to keep everyone busy and entertained for hours! We’ll also be expanding our game selection after the holidays, so stop by soon!

We wish you the best this Holiday Season, and can’t wait to see you all in the new year!


Oskar, Mike and Matt

Cooking! Bolognese Recipe

                I, like most of you, I’m sure, have been doing a lot of cooking these past few weeks. Thanksgiving was a blast only having to cook for three people, and planning Christmas dinner will be just as much of a blast. But, now that its cold, I’ve been doing sooo much low and slow cooking and I thought I’d share my and my boyfriend’s favorite: Bolognese Sauce. It takes forever to make, but it is more than worth it!


1 pound of Ground Beef, 1 Pound Ground Pork

1 pound of thick cut bacon (diced)

2 med. Carrots (grated)

1 lrg. sweet onion (grated)

2-3 stalks of celery (grated)

4 cloves of garlic (crushed and peeled)

Sm. Can of tomato paste

A Parmesan rind

1 12 oz. can of chicken stock

2 cups of dry white wine

2 cups of whole milk

4 tbsp of butter

Salt and pepper to taste

2 bay leaves

4 sprigs of fresh thyme

1 tsp fresh ground nutmeg or cinnamon

1 tbsp of red pepper flakes


In a large dutch oven or other heavy bottomed pot, brown both the beef and pork. Drain and then set aside. Next add the one pound of diced bacon until crispy and all of the fat is rendered. KEEP THE BACON FAT IN THE PAN, but set aside the bacon with the beef and pork. Next, add all of your grated carrots, onion, and celery to the fat and sweat the veggies until no liquid remains, lightly browning them. Add the garlic and stir until fragrant. Add the can of tomato paste and cook out for one minute. Add wine, cook out, add chicken stock and then bring it to a boil. Add milk, parmesan rind and herbs. Bring to boil. Add meat to pot and cook on stovetop on low for 3 hours. If you want to get the most flavor for all of the work you’ve just done, set your oven to 250 degrees and braise up to 8 hours, covered. To finish, add butter and salt and pepper to taste. If it’s too thick for your liking add a bit of the pasta water until it reaches the desired consistency. Enjoy!

New Blog: What We're Doing to Pass Time

                We know that for the past few months we’ve mostly been writing about events and how to plan them around the current worldwide pandemic; but we thought that for the next few weeks we would lighten up the mood and switch things up a bit. For the foreseeable future we’ll try to tie in what we’ve been doing to pass the time and entertain ourselves. Reviews of new television shows, the best telecasts and radio programs, and todays topic, the best operas available to the public on a day to day basis.

                I’m sure that to most of you, opera just sounds like a bore. Overweight men and women on a stage screaming into each-others’ faces while wearing horned helmets. BUT, I’m here to tell you differently. Recently Opera Houses from around the world have begun to change the way that opera is presented. The sets stun audiences, the singers are getting better and better looking and sounding by the year, and the story lines are so dramatic that it puts your favorite Soaps to shame! All of this AND it’s wrapped up in the most glorious music ever written!

                Since the emergence of the pandemic in March, many opera houses have started to release televised productions of some of their best performances. The best and most easily accessible is from the Metropolitan Opera in New York City. Every night the company shows a past production on their website for free! Most of the screenings are from the past decade, however they do find some performances from the past starring some of the greatest stars in classical music ie. Luciano Pavarotti, Beverly Sills, Montserrat Caballé just to name a few. The Met employs some of the greatest technical artists as well. Directors from Broadway, film and television have come to try their hand at producing an opera, some great, some…. questionable. But that can be the best part! Throughout the last 8 months multiple productions have been shown of the same opera, so you’re able to judge which director you liked best, which singer you liked best, and which staging was your favorite.

                It’s also incredibly satisfying to watch because, to be a singer, musician, costume designer, set designer, prop guy, or even a coat checker at the Met, you have to be the best in the world. In the world. The opera is the very pinnacle of human ability and creation. It’s not every day that you find yourself in the presence of total mastery, all tightly packaged just for you. It’s a very moving experience, and I’ve cried more times at the opera than I care to admit. So, give it a chance! If my ramblings haven’t convinced you, I’m sure that actually seeing for yourself, will!

Engagement Season: What to know if you are ready to "pop the question!"

Well, its that time of year again! Engagement Season! According to, approximately 1/3 or 40% of all engagements happen in late November through the month of December and through Valentine’s Day. This time period is associated with engagements because of the romantic nature of the season and convenience. Suitors likely choose December to pop the question because they love the spirit of the holiday season. And, obviously, there’s no better time to propose than when all the family is in town to celebrate with the newly engaged couple. So, if you’re planning on popping the question this season, consider the following:

Take Some Time For Yourselves!

This is such a pure, happy moment in your life, and the beginning of a new, exciting chapter, and once you share it with the world you will have no peace. You will receive a barrage of emails and texts and phone calls that will be happy, loving and meaningful, but are also overwhelming and at times stressful. When people constantly ask you questions you may not know the answers to or are giving you unsolicited advice about what they think you should do or how you should do it, it will make you miss the brief time this moment was simply yours. So, we highly recommend pressing pause, and keeping this between the two of you, your immediate family and maybe a couple of your very closest friends for a few days, even a week or two! If you're up for it, use the extended time to collect your thoughts and think about what you want for your wedding, like maybe what month you'd like it to be, or where you may want to get married if you have no idea. Relax into it. Don’t just jump head first into planning. This is a big, important time for both of you, so take it slow and enjoy!

Look Into Hiring A Planner.

If you decide to do a proper celebration for your wedding, hire a planner. Plain and simple. There is no exaggeration when they say that there are so many details that go into planning a wedding. Large or small, it can be A LOT for someone whose never planned a large event before. Hiring a planner, like Only In My Dreams Events, gives you the peace of mind that you need, so you know you’ll enjoy your big day, not worry about a single thing, and be present. Planners do not come cheap, whether you simply need a coordinator for the wedding day or a full-time planner, but if you're going to pay for a proper wedding, paying for your peace of mind is money well spent.

Packs with a Purpose: Raising Money and Awareness, One Pack at a Time

     As some of you may have seen, we have partnered with several Berkshire County Non-Profits to create their own packs to help raise money. We call them “Packs with a Purpose.” We collaborate with each Non-Profit, source relevant mission/ constituent driven products from small, local businesses and then list the packs on our website and display them at The Shop. With each sale made, we donate a portion of the proceeds to the Non-Profit.

     To date we have launched four incredible “Packs with a Purpose”. The first collaboration was with BRIDGE and produced the “RESTORATIVE JUSTICE” Pack. This Pack inspired us to continue working with other Non-Profits in the same way - special thanks and shout out to Gwendolyn Hampton-VanSant and the BRIDGE crew for helping create such a fun and worthwhile program. We have also worked with the Berkshire Immigrant Center to create the “INSPRIRED BY IMMIGRANTS” Pack, with BerkShares. Inc. to create the “KEEPING IT LOCAL” Pack, and with Berkshire Theatre Group to create the “KEEPING THEATRE ALIVE” Pack.

We have many other Packs in the works that we hope to launch soon! If you are involved with an organization who would like to discuss a Pack of your own to help raise funds for your favorite local Non-Profit, please reach out to us and we can discuss our options. What we love most about this program is that we a local business, purchase local products from Berkshire producers, and also raise funds for local Non-Profits. Talk about a win, win, win! Giving back to our local businesses and Non-Profits is at the core of our business as one can see through our many sponsorships and programs.

We are so excited to have our first four Packs available on our website under Packs with a Purpose (Restorative Justice Berkshire Pack - To Support BRIDGE — Only in My Dreams Events) and at The Shop in South Egremont. Please consider purchasing one of these packs so that we can help local businesses and Non-Profits in the Berkshires!

Thanksgiving 2020: What to Expect

                Let’s face it: this Thanksgiving and general holiday season is going to look very different for most of us. Groups will certainly be smaller; travel will be kept to a minimum and some of our most beloved older family members will not be able to join us. But there are some safe and fun ways of celebrating Thanksgiving that can still be inclusive (as inclusive as you want to be) and exciting!

1)            If you do plan on traveling to local family’s homes for the holiday, do your research first. Are they in a safe town with a small population? If yes, then it may be safe to head to Aunt Sandy’s. But if you aren’t so sure, using an online tool like Covid Act Now to evaluate your destination may be your best bet. This tool takes a comprehensive look at the risk level in different states by weighing factors like daily new cases, infection rate, and hospital capacity. You can also zoom in on the county level to check out the infection spread in a certain area. The more research you do, the more likely you are to be healthy, happy and safe this holiday season.

 2)           Make a plan with the attendees of your festivities to be as safe as possible 2 weeks before hand, and get tested 3 days before arrival. If you’re negative, you’re safe to attend! However, continue to practice social distancing and wear a mask whenever you aren’t eating or taking a drink.

3)            If you decide to move forward with an in-person Thanksgiving, be mindful of how many guests will be present. This isn’t the year to host an extended family reunion or invite 20 of your closest friends with plus-ones. Keeping your gathering small [under 10 people] and maintaining physical distance from each other is important. Also, consider throwing a Thanksgiving picnic or outdoor buffet. This lessens the chance of getting the virus even more!

4)            If all of the above sounds like a lot of work, you’re right—it takes a ton of effort, and following all these tips won’t completely eliminate your chances of getting or spreading the virus. Even with these precautions, there will still be risks. Based on what we’ve seen from summer holiday gatherings, we’re sadly expecting to see an increase in cases over the winter holidays.

Stay flexible as you plan for Thanksgiving and the rest of the holiday season, and keep an eye on those local statistics. The safest option is still going to be avoiding in-person gatherings outside of your immediate family, Virtual holiday parties and events are by far the safest approach—and the best approach if you’re high-risk. Plus, you’ll still be able to see almost everyone that you normally would, and your family can have some sort of normalcy this way.

Customizing Packs for the Greater Berkshire Market

As some of you may already know, Only In My Dreams Events can create customized Paraphernalia Packs, tailored to your exact desires! If you have the time and the money, OIMDE has the creativity to make your pack dreams into a reality! Recently, we’ve been lucky enough to work with some amazing cultural institutions in the Berkshires to make special packs for guests at their galas; these packs are a great way to say thank you and will remind them about just how enjoyable their experience was.

So recently we’ve started thinking about other ways to get our packs out into the larger local market, and we’d love to hear what people, especially business folk think about these ideas:

1)      Organizations can create custom packs as a fundraiser. We will design, curate and sell the boxes on our site at the cost of the organization and then donate a percentage of the proceeds to the cause of their choice. This way, both teams are recognized and both have income.

2)      We can work with businesses to create thank you gifts for clients and companies that they work with for special occasions or holidays!

3)      Real Estate agents could work with us to build Berkshire themed gift packs to send to their buyers to welcome them to the area and congratulate them on their new big purchase! Agents can also do the same for high level rental clients!

4)      We’d love to work with our brides and grooms to customize gift packs and gift bags for each person in your wedding party! We know that each member was chosen for a reason, so each member should receive something special.

5)      Hotels could create room package deals where, for a certain amount per night each room could be fitted out with a custom gift pack; each with a different theme depending on what the hotel requests.

Can you think of any other creative ways to market our packs? If so, feel free to email us at with your name, contact info and idea! We’d love to chat. Have a great week everyone! See you next Monday in the blogosphere!

How to Celebrate Halloween with Covid-19

With Covid-19 our new normal, this years Trick-Or-Treating is going to look quite a bit different. The prospects were looking grim: no close interactions with friends and neighbors and no going from house to house, but some people have come up with safe ways around these restrictions!

In order to keep some normalcy this year, people are rigging up chutes made of PVC from their front doors to the street so children can safely obtain candy from neighbors; firefighters and police officers are taking candy donations and are going from neighborhood to neighborhood, to deliver bundles of candy to socially distanced groups of kids, and cities and towns are considering extending trick-or-treating hours to avoid large groups of kids and their families.  And what better reason is there to wear a mask than Halloween?!

But what if you aren’t feeling very good about going out of the house this year to celebrate? Turn trick-or-treat into a scavenger hunt around the house, or even out in the backyard! This makes receiving candy more fun for the kids, while also getting them outside and breathing in fresh air. Or too make it even easier for yourselves, order candy online to have shipped to your home! In fact, we here at Only In My Dreams Events are offering 10% off of the Berkshire Halloween Pack to everyone that reads this blog! The pack includes, a Halloween face mask, chocolates from Chocolate Springs and H.R. Zepplein, and a Pumpkin Spice candle by Shire Fire Candles and a pack of matches! All of this could be yours for $36 plus shipping. Support local businesses this year and give the Halloween Pack a shot!

Check out the link below!



LGBTQ Rights are at stake... Here's why and here's what we do for our community

Five years have passed since Obergefell v. Hodges, making same-sex marriage the law of the land. However, there is some resistance to the idea of changing the traditional family standard, and we still see negativity towards equal marriage. The road to equal marriage has been a challenging one but today everyone can get married and has the same rights. However, we’ve recently taken notice to the idea that LGBTQ rights may be at risk yet again thanks to a possible SCOTUS nomination by our favorite president (JOKING). So, as an LGBTQ owned and operated business that regularly contributes to our chosen families in the Berkshire region, we thought that part of this week’s blog should include a slice of history when it comes to our rights.


One positive thing is that the country has changed since the first attempt to get recognition from the law in 1972, with Loving vs. Virginia. When the Supreme Court dismissed the claim because of the idea that people of the same sex might have a constitutional right to get married, was absurd, to say the least. Maryland followed and decided to ban gay marriage in 1973 after the court ruling, multiple attempts from gay couples to get marriage licenses happened. In the late 1980s, activists debated whether marriage rights should be at the forefront of the broader campaign for LGBT equality. In 1993, the Supreme Court in Hawaii ruled that denying same-sex marriage violated the Constitution, and then in 1996, a judge in Hawaii defended the right of same-sex marriage. Why? Because not doing so contradicts the 14th Amendment. Then, President Bill Clinton signed the federal Defense of Marriage Act in 1998, this law defined marriage as a relationship between one man and one woman, for the purpose of excluding same-sex couples from the institution of marriage.

Then in 2004, Massachusetts became the first state in the Nation to legalize same sex marriage. The city of San Francisco began marrying same-sex couples in an open challenge to California’s law, and New Mexico begins issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples as their law did not mention gender. Portland, Oregon also begins issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. And, in 2015, the Supreme Court issued the landmark decision that stands today, where everyone can get married without discrimination. As former Supreme Court Justice, Anthony Kennedy declared:

"No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right. The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit is reversed. It is so ordered."

At Only In My Dreams Events we recognize how important LGBTQ rights are, and we realize how much joy and happiness our community has brought to the Berkshires and the US at large. Every year we donate to local causes that support LGBTQ youth. We put on a huge dance party and drag pageant at the Colonial Theatre in Pittsfield. And we even opened a shop that features a wide variety of gay pride paraphernalia! We know how important these rights are. We see them and feel them every day. We hope that, if this nomination holds and we see a new justice appointed, that our rights won’t be at risk… We will do everything that we can to keep marriage equality and Gay Rights apart of the US constitution, and we hope that you all will do the same. Thank you.

Shopping Local

     As we’ve seen time and time again in 2020, small businesses are struggling. So, this year, we as a company have decided to make a pledge to shop locally for the holiday season! There are plenty of Ma and Pa shops, restaurants, museums and more that would love to help you out with gifts for family and friends! Here are a few rewarding reasons to shop local this year:

1)      You’ll find your shopping experience to be more personal and hand tailored! Because the employees of smaller, local businesses are likely to be personally invested in the products or services they are selling, they are more likely to go the extra mile for their customers. This makes the customer service (usually) stellar, you’ll get a better understanding of what you’re buying, and because of the size of the business you’ll have the opportunity to customize your purchases. People are going out of their way this year to make their customers happy.

2)      Shopping locally creates more jobs. Small local businesses are the largest employers nationally. In fact, since the 1970s, more than 65% of new jobs have come from the rise in small business. Not only do small businesses employ more people directly per dollar of revenue, they’re also the customers of local businesses themselves.

3)      Shopping locally reduces the environmental impact. Transportation is a big reason to shop local. Because local businesses make more local purchases, less transportation is required. In turn, you’re contributing less to pollution, traffic congestion, and resource depletion. So, you and the shop can stay around longer!

4)      Gifts from local shops are usually unique and exclusive to those small businesses. Often times the production of small-batch products involves the use of techniques, processes, and ingredients that might not be seen as “cost-efficient” in mass production. When you shop at local businesses, you’re likely be getting something that’s unique and exclusive.

So, with those reasons in mind, one gifting idea is to think of buying gift cards for friends and family to local restaurants, farms, museums, liquor stores, craft stores etcetera! It’ll help the local economy boom and keep your hometowns alive and well.

Another gift giving idea that would also help you shop, and support local businesses would be to create gift baskets or gift boxes! Make a list of some of your favorite shops and go from place to place shopping for items that fit the person your buying for! It’s simple, it’s personal, it shows that you put thought and care into their gift, and it’s giving back to your community.

And while we understand that you want to make your gifts as special and perfect as possible, you may not have the time, money, or way to get from shop to shop. So, another option could be to look at businesses like Only In My Dreams Events, who create gift packs stocked with locally made products, ready to be shipped anywhere in the world! This way you’re supporting a small business that also loves to support other local businesses. We also can customize packs! Just tell us what you’d like, and we can make it happen!

Your local shops are depending on your patronage to stay open and continue to contribute to your local economy. Please consider shopping local this holiday season!

What to Include on a Wedding Invitation

When putting together a wedding invitation, we automatically include time, date, location, and maybe about some of the wedding party; But when it comes to weddings there are a few more pieces of information that you really need to communicate to your guests:

1)      Be sure to include the names of the hosts of the wedding Your main invitation card should open with what’s called an “invitational line” which lists the names of the hosts. This is followed by a “request line,” such as “Request the Pleasure of Your Company,” “Invite You to Celebrate the Marriage of,” or, if the ceremony is taking place in a place of worship, “Request the Honor of Your Presence.” If the couple is hosting themselves, simply move the request line to directly below the couple’s names.

2)      Attire Details Details on attire are important. If your event is formal, black-tie might be something that you would include on your invite. Other dress codes might include Casual Attire, Semiformal Attire, Black Tie Optional, or White Tie. It’s important for people to know what to wear to avoid embarrassment. You wouldn’t want to show up in a suit and tie, when everyone else is in jeans and a t-shirt.

3)      An RSVP Deadline Your guests truly need to know when to RSVP by, and giving a final date is the best way to do that. The final number of guests is very important in terms of your weddings budget!

4)      *Optional* Including a Wedding Website It’s becoming more and more common for brides and grooms to have a website that guests can access with a e-copy of all of the information that they need to know for the big day. This site can also link to your registry, information on the venues, what there is to do in the area, and a link to the best hotels to use!

5)      Reception Location Your wedding guests should not have to automatically assume that there is a reception following the ceremony. Therefore, make this clear on the invitation and provide, at minimum, the name of the venue. Or, if the ceremony and reception are taking place at the same location, simply include a line like “Reception to Follow,” “Celebration to Follow,” or “Dinner and Dancing to Follow.”

6)      Return Address and Stamped RSVP Cards It seems obvious, but it’s largely overlooked to include your return address on your RSVP cards. How will people be able to respond if they don’t have an address to return to? It’s also, a thoughtful and classy touch to include a pre-stamped RSVP card to all guests. This just makes everything easier!

Staying Happy and Healthy Around the Holidays

Staying healthy before and during the Holidays can be hard, but it’s important. You’re almost always around people (well, maybe not this year), you’re eating a lot (and it’s not always good for you), and some people have a really hard time emotionally around the holidays. So, we here at Only In My Dreams Events would like to help you stay happier and healthier this holiday season with a few tips!

Keep a regular sleep schedule. ​Sleeping the recommended 7-9 hours a night goes a long way to keeping your immune system working and your adrenals healthy when faced with the inevitable holiday stress (If some of this stress is coming from planning a holiday soiree, give us a call! We’d be happy to help).

Exercise regularly. Often during the holidays, we tend not to follow our daily routines, and exercise tends to fall off the radar. It is important for your mental and physical health to MOVE YOUR BODY every day. That doesn’t mean hit the gym or run a marathon, just get up, take a walk, do some stretches, or clean the house. All of these are easy ways to stay active.

Don't forget to breathe. This sounds obvious and a little dramatic, but it’s true! Doing one minute of breathing exercises goes a long way when it comes to managing your stress. Two options are to breathe in for the count of four and breathe out for the count of eight, or breathe in for the count of one, out for the count of one, breathe in for the count of two and out for the count of two up to the count of ten. These exercises can be done before bed to help relax your body. These exercises introduce air to the brain, which can release tension from your muscles and calm your nerves in terms of anxiety.

Practice gratitude. The holidays are a good time to focus on what's really meaningful in our lives. Try to say thank you often and focus on all the things you are thankful for.

Creating a Vendor List: A Guide

For most couples, one of the first orders of business in planning a wedding is selecting your vendors; these are all of the great people that will become your core group who you’ll come to rely on to make your special day perfect! These include, your photographers, florists, bakers, caterers and your planners (just to name a few). It’s so important that you choose the best of the best, so, we have put together a quick suggestion guide which will help you navigate your vendor search with ease. As you peruse our suggestions, keep one thing in mind: Always trust your gut. Regardless of their flawless portfolio or excellent online reviews, a vendor won’t be right for you if they don't make you feel secure, confident, and excited. This often has nothing to do with the vendor's work or work ethic. Just like with any other relationship, you won't be thrilled with everyone, and that is perfectly fine.

The first step in choosing your vendors is to choose your venue! This is a very important first step because a venue will usually give you access to a slew of tried-and-true vendors that have worked there many times. It's always great to work with people who are familiar with the space, although it's not absolutely necessary. But, if you're not feeling the preferred vendor list, feel free to explore other options.

After nailing down a venue, you’ll then want to put together that core team that we spoke of earlier. This team will quite literally bring your special day together; and if they are professional and work well as a team, they will give you the gift of presence on your wedding day. No worrying or any hassle, just the perfect, memorable day that you’ve always dreamed of. Interview as many vendors as you can. Once you’ve met with everyone that interests you, it’s time to whittle down that list to the people that truly made you feel great. Trust your gut. TRUST IT. Trusting your gut is one of the biggest vendor search tips. If you've really hit it off with a vendor and they have everything you need, put them on your official list. But if you don't jive, listen to that feeling—and cut them loose. This is all about you after all.

Once you have your vendor list set in stone, its time to think about how you’ll break up your budget for each vendor. Vendors cost money; most of the time, they cost a lot of money. But you'll want to keep your priorities in mind when creating a budget and highlight those must-haves before divvying out money to each vendor. You want to really sit down with your partner and your families and determine what your priorities are. Pick your top three and know that that's where you will commit a decent amount of your budget.

We hope that this quick and simple guide will be helpful to you! Now, that you’ve read a little bit more about vendors, think back to your wedding or one of the best weddings that you’ve attended and think: Who are my favorite wedding vendors? Answer this question along with providing your name, either on our Instagram page: theshopbyOIMDE or by emailing us at and you’ll be entered to win one of four $25.00 Gift Cards to the Shop by Only In My Dreams Events in South Egremont! We hope that you’ll enter, and stop by the shop!

Fall and Winter Wedding Considerations

Things to consider while planning a Fall Wedding: 

    Gorgeous natural foliage and cooler weather make for great fall weddings. But for all of autumn's positive attributes, there are still potential issues that you need to keep in mind while planning a fall wedding. First, remember that even if guests are comfortable at your afternoon, outdoor wedding ceremony, they need to prepare for the temperature to drop in the evening. You may want to consider an indoor venue for your dinner/reception. Another option would be to rent heating units to keep your guests warm outside. You could even embrace the season with a few fire pits (and maybe some s'mores!). Another common obstacle is fall wedding flowers. Early in the season, Dahlias and Sunflowers make for a beautiful arrangement. However, many popular wedding florals are not in season during this time of the year, this is the perfect opportunity to get creative with a beautiful and unique wedding bouquet. Incorporate unexpected plants like wheat, crabapples, and ornamental vegetables; imported dried flowers also work just as well. Finally, remember to do your research when selecting an autumn wedding date. There are many holidays during the fall such as Thanksgiving, and the Jewish high holidays; but by doing your research you can help your guests avoid scheduling conflicts. 

Things to consider while planning a Winter Wedding:

Rich seasonal colors make this a great season for weddings, but there are certainly potential winter wedding problems you need to keep in mind. The first potential pitfall for weddings in most parts of the country is, obviously, the obnoxiously cold temperatures of the Northeast. And while you probably won't want to plan an outdoor winter wedding reception (especially if you live in an area that gets plenty of snow and ice), there are still lots of ways to bring the beauty of the season indoors. Hang garlands of greenery or icicle-like crystals to highlight your dance floor or cake table. Incorporate plenty of candles, pinecones, and glittery details into your centerpieces. You can even bring the best of the season with winter wedding catering ideas -- serve tasty soup shooters during the cocktail hour, hearty comfort food during the dinner, and pass out shortbread cookies and spiced (and spiked) cider for your midnight snack. Your guests will love a toasty, warm treat especially before they have to head back into the cold. A decked-out coffee bar with extras like whipped cream and chocolate shavings will warm everyone up.

We've Officially Opened Our Own Retail Shop!

Happy September Everyone!

As some of you may know, we have opened a brand new retail space at 45 Main Street in South Egremont, The Shop by Only In My Dreams Events (The former yoga studio space)! It’s a great place to stop by and pick up a few odds and ends for a small event that you’re either throwing or attending. You’ll find everything from a curated napkin collection to never ending candles; beautiful 3D pop-up cards to delicious truffle products (soon to be featured in O Magazine!) and of course our awesome line of Paraphernalia Packs.

We have a little bit of everything, so come by and take a look around! We are open Thursday-Sunday every week from 11am-6pm or by appointment. Call us at 413-528-0285 or at the Shop at 413-645-4554. Also, check out the Shop Instagram page: “theshopbyoimde” where we’ll be posting about all of our new merchandise!

International Wedding Traditions

This week we’re going to branch away from the usual wedding traditions and planning tips to focus on a few of the more interesting wedding customs from around the world. From practicing crying, to carving wooden spoons for your betrothed, there are plenty of cool things that people do before, after and during their special day. 

  • Borneo: It is a ritual in Borneo in a community called Tidong to lock up the bride and groom to test their bond. This test is somehow aimed to make the bond of the future couple stronger.

  • Germany: Polterbend. On the night before the wedding, the relatives of the bride and the groom gifts the future couple some porcelain made utensils which later they break. The broken utensils are believed to bring in the life of the future couple. 

  • Wales: grooms are required to gift their newly bride a wooden spoon of love. The wooden spoon of love is a symbol of a promise that a groom makes to his new wife. The wooden spoon of love indicates that he would never let his wife go hungry in her life. It is a very romantic gesture and it is definitely one of the most cultural wedding traditions of the world.

  • Fiji: In Fiji, it is a ritual to gift the father of the woman you’ve proposed to a whale's tooth. It is very common to see young men gifting their future father-in-laws a necklace made of whale tooth. It is one of the cultural wedding traditions in Fiji weddings that every groom has to do.

  • South Korea: It is a tradition in South Korea to beat the groom's feet with bamboo sticks and dead fish. According to the South Korean marriage tradition, it is done so the groom can be strong to handle the coming responsibilities on his shoulders of the family.

  • Uganda: Imagine being watched on your wedding night by an elder that is your relative. This is what actually happens in Uganda. At the wedding night, an elder is present with the newlywed couple and they stay as a witness as the couple consummates their marriage. It is the job of the elderly person to make sure that the bride is a virgin. It is certainly one of the unique wedding traditions that can be found all around the world.

These are just a few highlights of wedding traditions around the world. We’d love to hear any you know of as it’s always fun to incorporate other traditions into our own special day!

How To Celebrate You on Your Birthday!

 Attention everyone! 

Today is Oskar Hallig’s birthday! And to celebrate that we’ll be blogging about a few great ways to ring in YOUR next birthday! 
When you were a kid, it was so easy to pick a favorite theme or place to host your party. As we got older, the themes tended to dwindle and it became “Meet me at that bar we love!” or “Let’s just all do dinner.” And even if it’s not a particularly special year, aka one of the “big ones” there’s nothing wrong going all out for an adult birthday party.

You should try to make every year a milestone year and here are a few examples of how to do it: 

Go to the spa, or host a spa day at your house! Indulge in DIY face masks  (or sheet masks), and at-home mani/pedis while watching a movie marathon. If you want to go the extra step, host the party at a spa instead.

Host an at home wine tasting or tasting of your liquor of choice! Some companies such as Winc or Bright Cellars offer wine kits with information on each bottle and everything that there is to know about your favorite wine. It’s a fun way to pass a few hours before going out to dinner or watching a favorite movie with friends. 

In the same light you can also host a mixology party. Hire a mixologist (try a local catering company or reach out to your favorite restaurant, if you need help finding a bartender, Only In My Dreams can help - check out to create custom drinks for your friends throughout the night based on their favorite ingredients. Serve up some happy hour snacks along with the drinks and create a killer playlist.

Give back to your community! If there's a cause you're passionate about, ask your inner circle to spend the afternoon volunteering for your favorite organization. Also ask that any funds intended for your birthday present instead be donated to the organization.

These are just a few ideas, but you can really do anything you want! Get as creative as you can. Have a magical birthday that you won’t forget; surrounded by the people that you love and care about most. Just don’t let anyone tell you what you’re doing... it’s your day after all! 

And if you just can’t figure out what you want to do or how you want to do it - reach out to us your trusty Event Planners and we’ll take care of everything from A to Z!


How Do I Create My Timeline?

For many people, building a wedding day timeline can be daunting. There’s so many little details that can be over looked; so today I’ll walk you through a simple example of a day of timeline for an evening wedding and reception that will take place at a single venue. So, take note that if the ceremony is at a different venue from the dinner and dancing, you’ll have to add travel time.

2:00 pm. Photographers will arrive. The photographer should arrive at least 30 minutes before the bride is ready. This gives the photographers the opportunity to take detail photos of the dresses, rings, invitations and anything else that the bride requests.

2:15 pm. Bridesmaids are dressed and ready to go.

2:30 pm. Bride’s makeup and hair are done and is ready to get dressed. This is a great time to capture pictures of the bride and her maid of honor zipping up her dress, her veil and other jewelry.

2:45- 3:30 pm. Bridal Portraits and Bridesmaids Portraits. Everyone is dressed, makeup is done, everyone looks great! Now it’s time to get some pre ceremony photos of the bride and the rest of her bridal possy. Hopefully your photographer will have a few locations around the venue in mind for great photos!

3:30-4:00 pm. Take it all in and get ready to get married. Have a glass of champagne and have fun with your bridesmaids.

4:15 pm. “Wedding Starts” (According to Invitation)
A wedding NEVER starts on time. The actual starting time should be 15 minutes past what the invitation says. This gives those friends and family that are always late a chance to be there for the whole ceremony.

4:30 Actual Start Time. Strike up the quartet and head down the aisle! It’s YOUR time.

5:30- 6:30 pm. Post Ceremony Photos for Wedding Party and Cocktail Hour for Guests. Give yourself a solid hour for pictures, and let your guests let lose.

6:30 pm. Guests are invited into the dining room for dinner.

6:45 pm. Bridal Party Entrance to Reception.

7:00 pm. Welcome and Toasts from Matron of Honor and Best Man.

7:30 pm. Dinner is served.

8:15 pm. Cake is cut and served. 

8:30 pm. Parents Dances

8:50 Everyone get up and dance! The technical bits of the evening are done. Enjoy the rest of your night!

And as always - having a wedding planner/coordinator at your side will make sure all of these deadlines are met without you or your future spouse having to worry about anything.

Pets in Weddings!

Hey Everyone!

    With all of the excitement of our new Berkshire Dog Pack coming out, we thought it might be fun to blog about how to include your pet into your wedding! 

    Many people see their pets as members of their families, so naturally you would want to include them in the ceremony. They're with you for every other life event so why not include them in one of, if not, THE most important day of your life? There are two simple ways to include your pet in the festivities: through invitations, and through inclusion in the wedding party.

1) Include your pet in the Save the Date and Wedding Invitation. 

    Feature your pet on the save the date by festooning them with a cute sign around their neck with your names, the date of your event, and any other pertinent information you wish to include. Involve them on the invitation by including your furry friends names as well! For example: "Becky, Joe and Shadow request the honor of your presence at their Wedding..." along with a photo of the three of you. This will certainly let your guests know how important your pets are to you, and let them know that they will be there for the big day!

2) Keep your pets close, and make them part of the wedding party!

    Make them your Best Man or Maid of Honor. Your pet can don a little tuxedo or a tiny tutu and walk down the aisle alongside your friends and family members. And if they don't do well with clothing, a corsage or a little spray of flowers will do just as well! All you need to do next is decide how to get them down the aisle... When choosing a method of getting your pet to the altar, consider your pet’s temperament. A squirmy rabbit or cat, for instance, might need to be held down the aisle, then placed in a cage or bed. A well-trained dog could walk down the aisle alone. 

   Another option is to have your pet as your ring bearer or flower girl. Tie a ring bearer pillow around your pets tummy or have your puppy carry a basket or flower petals down the aisle in their muzzle! Can you think of a cuter way to include your pets?! 

How to stay cool!

Hey all!

Because it’s so hot we’ll keep it short and sweet this week with tips on how to keep cool during a heat wave! Sitting in front of your AC watching Netflix isn’t the only way to be comfortable!

1) Don’t have an AC but you have window fans? No problem. If you have two fans and two windows facing each other from opposite ends of the room, simply create a wind tunnel. Place one Window fan facing into the room, and the other facing out. This will cause cool air to enter your space, and warm air to leave!

2) Keep all of your window shades and blinds closed at all times. While everyone loves sunshine glaring through their windows, windows cause the most heat to enter your home!

3) Keep your pulse points cool. If your wrists, temples and feet are hot, then so is the blood that’s pumping through your body! Place ice packs on your pulse points for 5 mins at a time and you’ll notice a huge difference in body temperature!

4) Have a hot water bottle? Fill it with ice water and slide it under your knees or on your lower back. This will slowly chill your entire body as you sleep.

5) Chill your blankets and sheets! This sounds crazy, but if it’s too hot to sleep, you may want to consider sticking your sheets and blankets into the fridge or freezer an hour before bedtime. You’ll fall asleep, and hopefully stay asleep.

6) Spray yourself with a combination of cold water and peppermint oil. It’s cooling, smells great and is supposed to keep bugs away! It’s a triple threat!