How to stay cool!

Hey all!

Because it’s so hot we’ll keep it short and sweet this week with tips on how to keep cool during a heat wave! Sitting in front of your AC watching Netflix isn’t the only way to be comfortable!

1) Don’t have an AC but you have window fans? No problem. If you have two fans and two windows facing each other from opposite ends of the room, simply create a wind tunnel. Place one Window fan facing into the room, and the other facing out. This will cause cool air to enter your space, and warm air to leave!

2) Keep all of your window shades and blinds closed at all times. While everyone loves sunshine glaring through their windows, windows cause the most heat to enter your home!

3) Keep your pulse points cool. If your wrists, temples and feet are hot, then so is the blood that’s pumping through your body! Place ice packs on your pulse points for 5 mins at a time and you’ll notice a huge difference in body temperature!

4) Have a hot water bottle? Fill it with ice water and slide it under your knees or on your lower back. This will slowly chill your entire body as you sleep.

5) Chill your blankets and sheets! This sounds crazy, but if it’s too hot to sleep, you may want to consider sticking your sheets and blankets into the fridge or freezer an hour before bedtime. You’ll fall asleep, and hopefully stay asleep.

6) Spray yourself with a combination of cold water and peppermint oil. It’s cooling, smells great and is supposed to keep bugs away! It’s a triple threat!