Shopping Local

     As we’ve seen time and time again in 2020, small businesses are struggling. So, this year, we as a company have decided to make a pledge to shop locally for the holiday season! There are plenty of Ma and Pa shops, restaurants, museums and more that would love to help you out with gifts for family and friends! Here are a few rewarding reasons to shop local this year:

1)      You’ll find your shopping experience to be more personal and hand tailored! Because the employees of smaller, local businesses are likely to be personally invested in the products or services they are selling, they are more likely to go the extra mile for their customers. This makes the customer service (usually) stellar, you’ll get a better understanding of what you’re buying, and because of the size of the business you’ll have the opportunity to customize your purchases. People are going out of their way this year to make their customers happy.

2)      Shopping locally creates more jobs. Small local businesses are the largest employers nationally. In fact, since the 1970s, more than 65% of new jobs have come from the rise in small business. Not only do small businesses employ more people directly per dollar of revenue, they’re also the customers of local businesses themselves.

3)      Shopping locally reduces the environmental impact. Transportation is a big reason to shop local. Because local businesses make more local purchases, less transportation is required. In turn, you’re contributing less to pollution, traffic congestion, and resource depletion. So, you and the shop can stay around longer!

4)      Gifts from local shops are usually unique and exclusive to those small businesses. Often times the production of small-batch products involves the use of techniques, processes, and ingredients that might not be seen as “cost-efficient” in mass production. When you shop at local businesses, you’re likely be getting something that’s unique and exclusive.

So, with those reasons in mind, one gifting idea is to think of buying gift cards for friends and family to local restaurants, farms, museums, liquor stores, craft stores etcetera! It’ll help the local economy boom and keep your hometowns alive and well.

Another gift giving idea that would also help you shop, and support local businesses would be to create gift baskets or gift boxes! Make a list of some of your favorite shops and go from place to place shopping for items that fit the person your buying for! It’s simple, it’s personal, it shows that you put thought and care into their gift, and it’s giving back to your community.

And while we understand that you want to make your gifts as special and perfect as possible, you may not have the time, money, or way to get from shop to shop. So, another option could be to look at businesses like Only In My Dreams Events, who create gift packs stocked with locally made products, ready to be shipped anywhere in the world! This way you’re supporting a small business that also loves to support other local businesses. We also can customize packs! Just tell us what you’d like, and we can make it happen!

Your local shops are depending on your patronage to stay open and continue to contribute to your local economy. Please consider shopping local this holiday season!