MONEY & MATRIMONY: What To Expect When Wedding Dress Shopping

Welcome back, dear reader, to Money & Matrimony! The monthly series where I look at the intersection of spouses and spending, and try to demystify the financial nuisances of nuptials. Basically help you make budgeting and spending money on your next wedding easier!

For this month, we’re digging back into some of the more benchmark moments of most wedding experiences, in this case one that many look forward to the most…wedding dress shopping! 

What To Consider When Wedding Dress Shopping

Plan Ahead And Begin Early!

For many people, wedding dress shopping is a moment they look forward to, wishing to find a gown that they will want to cherish for the rest of their lives. As such, many hopefuls will want to make sure they set aside a sizable budget to ensure they find just the right gown, are able to make their exact alterations requested, etc. 

And by many, we mean many. As a global market that is slated to reach almost $70 billion by 2026, it’s safe to say that this is a safe market to be in if you’re looking for security, with an almost endless demand. 

To make sure you take that demand into account, it’s wise to knock this off your wedding to-do towards the start of your planning journey. It’s even suggested by experts that you start looking as early as 1 year in advance if you really want to make sure you find the bridal gown of your dreams. 

Look & Feel The Part For Your Big Day!

When envisioning what you want to wear, and finding yourself spending a considerable amount of time in the bridal salon, we recommend really making a day of it. Carve out a good chunk of time in your schedule, if possible, and take some extra time in the morning to get ready. 

Put your hair up for a more formal situation, and go a bit more glam with your makeup. Try and think about what your hair and makeup would look like, not exactly right but having an idea can help you get a clearer picture when trying on the dress. 

Consider A Smaller Support System

It’s so tempting to bring everyone and their mother, grandmother, cousin, etc. And why not? The more the merrier to join in such an exciting day! 

That said, having a smaller, simpler group of 2 to 3 of your closest friends and family will mean less opinions in the room and a more focused appointment. 

Don’t Worry If You Don’t Cry!

I feel like there’s an expectancy of tears of joy when you finally find the gown of your dreams, right? Like you have come to the moment, and the lighting is just right. Everyone is tearing up, and the champagne bottle pops. 

But! It doesn’t have to be this way! 

And that’s okay. If you find the gown that you want, that’s what’s most important. And crying doesn’t need to happen to get your point across. If it feels right for you, then it’s right for the wedding day. 

How To Throw An Adult Halloween Party

I recently went to a wedding, that was one of those unintentional and unofficial reunions type of weddings. It was with a cohort of friends that I had met working at a summer camp back in 2012 and 2013. A blast! 

One of the more fascinating moments I kept noticing was how we all were like, “we really met a decade ago didn’t we?”

Not the first time this year I’ve seen old friends after a few years, and it just astounds us how long it’s been since we all saw each other. 

Why is that? Why does it feel like BLAM five, seven, ten years have gone by? 

Well, two things, really. 

A: Growing up. 

B: The past 2 years of our lives have kind of meshed together.

Ain’t that the way, though? Multiple friends I reconnected with all exchanged jovial pleasantries about how our social skills were put on pause because of quarantine.

But in my opinion, that’s all more the reason to make this year the best Halloween party you could ever have!

How? Well that’s what I’m here for, dear reader. 

How To Throw An Adult Halloween Party

Keep It Relaxing

I would say this is more of a “how to have a party after we’ve all been in quarantine for years” step, but nevertheless it’s important here. Why? 

Because Halloween is a great opportunity for a low stakes party. Encouraging costumes means your guests can let loose and not have to worry so much about appearance and impressions. It’s all in good fun.

Another thing I mean when I say relaxing is don’t worry too much about the agenda of the party. Keep things loose, and of course you still can have fun with games and such, but don’t stay attached to a timeline. Which brings me to…

Think Differently, Approach Differently

Really be it cocktails, snacks, whatever, you can take the same mentality of Halloween costumes to all parts of the party. 

Halloween is my favorite time of year because it’s an opportunity for people really have fun in magic and make believe. 

How can you incorporate Dracula’s curse into your batched cocktail? How can you throw in the story of the Wolf Man to your brownies? 

Dig Into Local Legend

One other aspect of Halloween I really love is how it gives us a chance to dig into local history and lore of the world around us. Sure on a national level, but also on a local level, too. What are the local ghost stories that surround you? Does your region have any cryptids? Believe they’re everywhere and there’s plenty more out there than you would anticipate. 

How can these stories, myths, and legends be infused in your decorations, cocktails, and treats? Any games you can incorporate?

What about sharing ghost stories around a fire? Because please we all know this is one of the reasons we look forward to fall. 

History of the Bridal Gown

I’ve mentioned this many times before, dear reader, but one very exciting thing that couples I’ve worked with love doing is making their wedding truly their own and go for something unique. 

And that said, one interesting consistency I’ve noticed is how many brides still vote for a white bridal gown. There isn’t anything bad about that of course. 

The bridal gown is, probably at this point, the most definitive part of a wedding. It’s the first thing we think of when we think, “wedding.” It’s what we look for and anticipate when we arrive as wedding guests. 

“What is she wearing?”

“Will she make her fiance cry?”

“Oh, isn’t she STUNNING.”

This is typically the general flow of conversation. And we love to see it! 

But why do we expect the bridal gown? Sure there are alternates out there, but unlike the ease of deciding on a pizza truck or donut bar, the choice to move away from the classic white gown is less desired. 

When did it come to become such a staple in the first place? Why white? And how did it get such lasting power?

Welp. That’s why I’m here. Let’s discuss! 

The History of the Bridal Gown

Dressing Pretty Ain’t New! 

So right off the bat we can all agree that wearing more formal garb, or at least something more expensive and ornate, is not a new tradition in the slightest. 

Wearing something of significance can be for religious purposes, cultural, or even more of what we do now. It’s a beautiful occasion and you want to wear something to commemorate the importance of the day. 

The White Gown Makes A Royal Debut

It’s within Western culture and history that you’re going to find the evolution into the white gown that we know of today. In ancient Rome, brides would wear white robes in honor of Hymen, the god of marriage (technically a mythic Greek god, but that’s how it worked for the Romans back then).

But if you jump forward a couple of millennia, you arrive at Queen Victoria! For her marriage to Albert of Saxe-Coburg, the Queen requested a dress made of the finest lace which, at the time, was available only in white. This also meant that maintenance would be incredibly difficult (you try keeping it a completely white garment clean in the 1800’s!), and as such the dress was only worn once. 

A Tradition Found Across The World

As the trend caught on, the color white also was growing to symbolize purity and virginity, something the church stated was important when going into the sacrament of holy matrimony. 

But white was also carried on as a tradition in other countries like Japan! It’s here that we also see the tradition of the bride wearing a white garment for her wedding (in this case a kimono) and changing into a new outfit for the reception (in the case of Japan, the bride changed into red as it symbolized good luck). 

And On And On And On

And so thanks to oral tradition, familial traditions, and the influence of the media, the white gown stuck. 

It wasn’t always like this of course, so don’t necessarily feel like you have to stay connected to this idea! In the end, this is your day. Do what makes you happiest, and wear what makes you happiest on what’s assured to be one of the happiest days of your life. Make it yours. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the history of the bridal gown, I found most of my research from an extensive deep dive found here. Check it out!

MONEY & MATRIMONY: How To Have An Affordable Destination Wedding

Welcome back, dear reader, to Money & Matrimony! The monthly series where I look at the intersection of spounces and spending, and try to demystify the financial nuisances of nuptials. Basically help you make budgeting and spending money on your next wedding easier!

I’ve covered destination weddings in the past (Still considering?), and looked at tips on how to really make your destination wedding the best it can be. 

But let’s really start to chew to the numbers. What kind of budget is needed for a destination wedding, and how feasible is a “cheap” one (maybe in budget but certainly not in taste)?

How Much Does A Destination Wedding Cost?

Like anything else, it all depends on what you want for your wedding, where you want to go, how many guests you want, etc. But if we’re talking baseline, the $30K range is going to be your best bet at a minimum.

How To Save Money When Planning A Destination Wedding

Start Early!

Start it all early! Pick a date and location that’s far enough in advance (if international I would argue at least two years in advance), and get your save the dates to your guests as soon as possible. 

Consider Travel Distance In Your Budget

Though there’s an apparent downturn coming, flights/travel are going to be a significant part of both your budget, and the budget of your guests (depending on how much of that you want to front for them).

So make sure you’re considering how much of your budget you’re willing to give over to travel. It can seem overwhelming at first, but look at the typical cost for the travel to the location, and the general cost of expenses once you’re there. For instance, a trip to a location that offers an all-inclusive package at a discounted rate might give you the wiggle room to splurge on a more expensive flight. 

Looking for those inclusive-packages? Checking here, here, and here will give you a good taste of options. 

Ask About Price Flexibility

Prices for bigger packages, group rates, and other package deals might be more flexible than you think. Working with a vendor/planner at the destination? Don’t be afraid to see where you can find some sort of discount or deal. This could prove easier than you think. 

Honeymoon Registry! 

This one should be a no-brainer at this point, especially because this is a trend. Don’t sign up for a gift registry for that Le Creuset (though, no judgment as I certainly would). Instead, ask your guests to help you chip in for your own honeymoon. This is always a good budget reliever for that honeymoon-experience of a lifetime. 

What else?

Have you made any cost-saving moves with a destination wedding budget? What has helped you? Let us know! 

Tips For A Non-Traditional Wedding

One of the biggest takeaways I’ve had this year, dear reader, is every couple that I’ve worked with, be it just a day-of coordinator or otherwise, is how they want their wedding to be non-traditional. 

They might not necessarily say that explicitly. Instead I will hear “we want our wedding to be true to who we are” and “we want a wedding that’s different from what we’re expected to do” etc, etc, etc. 

And this is exciting! The mold of what is expected for a wedding is changing, and we’re seeing trends! In some instances, couples have voted to keep the structure of what we know of as the “wedding day” but tweak each component to be more what they want. In other instances, I’ve worked with couples that want to change everything up altogether. 

So what does this mean? Is the “wedding day” as we know it gone for good? Absolutely not. What is happening is couples are realizing that they don’t need to go by any specific rulebook to do what they want to make their wedding as beautiful and true to them as possible. 

So let’s start looking into that! I feel like I’ve got a lot to say about this so if another post happens in the future, it’s because my coffee kicked in and I cannot stop. 

Non-Traditional Wedding Ceremony Ideas

The Attire! 

I would say that this the most obvious way for you and your guests to see that you’re wanting to do things a bit different. And the easiest change that we’re seeing! We all know the bridal gown is a staple (and is it’s own microeconomy honestly), but beyond that there are unspoken rules and expectations of bridesmaid’s gowns, tuxes for the groom and his party, etc. 

But more and more couples don’t want to adhere to these rules. And, on a more practical level, we’re seeing more same-sex couples married each year. The equation is changing, and as such the style doesn’t need to stay the same. 

So you don’t want a wedding dress? But maybe you want to keep the color, but a different style? Or maybe you want to keep the dress, but the traditional white gown moment just isn’t your look? There’s plenty of options! 

And on top of that there’s plenty of choices out there for the rest of your bridal party, as well. 

Two brides, two grooms, or someone in-between? There’s plenty of options for you to choose to break the mold of the black and white garments. 

The Ceremony!

Okay so you look amazing, and most importantly, you’re dressed how you want to dress. What about the ceremony itself? 

It’s fairly common now for couples to write their own vows. But what if you want to take it a step further?

I’ve had couples have their pets join them in the fun and be part of the ceremony. I’ve also seen couples who completely turn the wedding party on its head and invite whomever they want to be by their side. It’s all up to you and whatever you want for your special day. 

On top of that, couples might want their wedding to happen without an officiant. A quaker-style wedding offers the chance for couples to have a self-unifying wedding license. I’ve seen this done when a couple wants their entire community of friends and family to bear witness to their love and let that be all that needs to be done. 

What Have You Seen?

Have you seen any fun and unique non-traditional wedding ideas, either at your wedding or someone else's? Let us know!

Fall Fashion Trends In 2022

We’re rounding the corner, y’all. Crunchy leaves in many colors, candles scented like apple and caramel, and 50 different versions of flannel mean one thing. Autumn! 

And if the recent price increase in Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks tell us anything, it’s that autumn is a hot commodity with ever-increasing popularity. 

So what does that mean fashion-wise? Luckily this is my favorite season for clothing and style so you’re in luck! 

Let’s dive in! 

Fall Fashion Trends In 2022

Cardigans…But With ~Texture~

A fascinating find coming into this season is the love for a knitted moment that is very, very fuzzy. Cardigans, pullover sweaters, you name it. Give it some layers and dimensions that you can run your fingers through. 

Look for some Angora and Mohair, for instance. For more inspo, check out this gallery curated by vogue with some top-knit knits that are perfectly chic. 

Loafing In Comfort

Who doesn’t love the universal (and unisex, androgynous appeal) of a loafer. Good for multiple occasions from more formal to a sassy casual look, a staple pair of loafers in your wardrobe can really benefit your closet for seasons to come.

And this season is no different! So, how are loafers taking the stage this time around? Mary Janes and punky platforms are two big standouts. On the runway we have been seeing a lot of remixed prep looks and proto-punky fashions. Moving in either direction will keep you en vogue. 

Stand Out Accessories

This season is also all about the statement pieces. What’s a jewelry moment you can throw on that’ll just tie the look together? Or maybe a bejeweled balaklava is more your speed?

From eye-catching peridot rings to cashmere (there’s that wool again) gloves, finding accessories that you can add spice and variety to your staple wardrobe from the year before might be a great way to make your fashion finds more budget-friendly. 

A Season Of Originality

Overall, this season is an autumn for the bold. And the best fashion is all about self-expression and feeling your most confident. So why not? Throw on something you normally wouldn’t and have a blast! 

Berkshire Spotlight: Berkshire Botanicals

We’re back, dear reader with our Berkshire spotlight! One of the best parts of living in the Berkshires, which I’m sure you’re well aware of, is taking in all of the rich artistry that exists in Berkshire county.

One of the core beliefs of both Only In My Dreams and our store The Shop is celebrating and uplifting the artistry and creativity of all of us here in the Berkshires. It's one reason why we love offering boutique gifts and other items created by artisans all over Berkshire County!

For this month’s spotlight, we’re looking at the mother/daughter duo that bring us Berkshire Botanicals. Berkshire Botanicals is a collection of soaps, lotions, skincare, and more that puts organic and simple ingredients in the forefront. 

I reached out to Jené, the daughter of the entrepreneurial team, to dig a bit deeper into their beginnings, and what they love the most about the Berkshires. 

Sitting Down With Berkshire Botanicals

Where did the idea for the Berkshire Botanicals start, and how did it lead to what we see today?

Berkshire Botanicals started when my mother and I couldn’t find products with simple, natural ingredients so we started making them . A lot of consumers are unaware of the chemicals they subject themselves too on a daily based so they solution to our problem was to make our own using all natural and organic ingredients after years of experimenting, perfecting our recipes and gifting to family & friends they suggested we sell our products and Berkshire Botanicals was born.

What has been your favorite part of the journey of creating this business?

Working with my mom. It’s been so great to turn a hobby and something we enjoy into a business.

My favorite part is also hearing customer feedback on how much they love our products. Most of our customers are repeat customers and very loyal which feels amazing to bring joy to people.

What has been an unexpected part of the journey of creating this business? 

Running a small business is filled with lots of problem solving, having lots of faith, and trusting the process.

What’s one of your favorite spots in the Berkshires to tell people about?

Of course The Shop by OIMDE! I could spend all day there searching for unique gifts.

I also love Blantyre for brunch and Miraval spa. I also enjoy bike riding or boating around Onota lake.

What is a message you want to spread those in the Berkshires and beyond?

Give thanks, give love, and give yourself the best. We have a responsibility to ourselves and each other. Use your power as a consumer to support companies, people, and small businesses that are making change in the world. Buy organic, plastic free products, sustainable products. Take care of yourself; wellness is vital. Lastly BE the change you want to see in this world.

Berkshire Botanicals can be found online here, on Instagram here, and available at The Shop!

Should I get married in the Berkshires?

TL;DR Yes! 

That’s right, dear reader, I have been sitting on this one for a while, because I wasn’t sure if you needed any more convincing? I certainly don’t. 

And at the same time, I believe it’s worth just having a short, one-sided (because it’s a blog post you’re reading) chat all about why I love the Berkshires so much. What brings me back to this beautiful greeting card of a region for any season out of the year. Why do I think the Berkshires are the perfect backdrop for any holiday? Let’s talk.  

Why You Should Get Married In The Berkshires

Every season is great!

Have you seen the Berkshires? Like have you seen the Berkshires? Truly, have you seeeeen the Berkshires??

When I first moved the Western Massachusetts, it was a very crisp and cool early October, Tuesday afternoon. The trees were changing color beautifully, and I drove past countless sunsets. That’s right I literally drove into the most beautiful scenario of the Berkshires. The foliage the area is known for! 

Now that I have lived in Berkshire County all twelve months out of the year, I can safely tell you that any chance you get to go to the Berkshires you will enjoy the nature that envelopes you. Sure autumn is perfect, but what about the winter? With plenty of ski resorts, in the area there are seemingly unending chances to take advantage of the snow.  

And I know with this area being a cultural hub the spring and summer is the perfect chance to check out all sorts of artistic endeavors and outings. 

Each vendor out does the next.

Looking for a more artistic vibe? We’ve got that. How about a tried and true scenie view? We've got that, too. What about something a bit more modern and urban? That, of course, too.

One exciting trait about the Berkshires is that you can find a place that you will fit in. Somewhere where you can really feel the groove of what you’re looking for. And for wedding venues, this is second to none. 

Locally Sourced…Everything?

Lastly, and a personal favorite, is just how locally loved you will be in Berkshire county. Berkshire residents are first to tell you about supporting local, and the strength and community bond can be felt from Egremont to North Adams. Whatever you’re looking for to make your wedding happen, you will find someone in the Berkshires who will make that happen for you. And of course, we might have a tried and true list of friends, as well. 

Still not convinced? I implore you to give the Berkshires a look for yourself. I just know you’ll find a slice that’s exactly what you’re looking for.


I’ve seen the pumpkin spice latte videos on TikTok so that must mean that summer is coming to a close. And since TikTok is currently the most used search engine on the internet (beating out Google after nearly 2 decades!) it’s only certain that autumn is on the hearts and minds of all of us. Also maybe because of the record setting heat this year. 

But I digress, dear reader! As a double virgo I always love it when autumn rolls around, and can’t wait any longer. It’s the time of year where we must dive into all things autumn weddings, and look at the wedding trends of the year. 

Fall 2022 Wedding Trends

Why Fall Weddings?

First off, autumn is arguably one of the busiest times for the wedding industry, and mainly for practical reasons! Sure, the changing colors of nature provides a built-in aesthetic and the need for an extra layer or two means more chances to create the stylish wedding of your dreams. But, this is a very ideal time to get married weather-wise (the summer heat is about done and it isn’t winter yet, a perfect in-between). Also, summer plans for friends and family are typically out of the way at this point, but no one has set out for the holidays just yet. So there’s more availability. 

Wedding Receptions - Ditch The Dinner!

I’m involved with at least 4 weddings in the next number of weeks, and the common thread among all of them is the unconventional ideas for wedding receptions. Served dinners can come off as stuffy, impersonal, and expected. Couples are opting to give their guests variety and personal flare with unique buffets and food trucks

If you got a wedding coming up to plan, see if a more unorthodox meal is your speed. Be creative, and have fun!

Open Air Tents

Okay, so this one is exciting because this is what ended my wedding season last year. I worked with a couple who opted to remove the walls and ceiling (seemingly risky!) from their tent for a completely open air dinner, using the skeleton of the tent to string lights throughout the tables. After my teeth stopped chattering from nerves and the clouds were proven clear, it was the perfect decision, and the photos of the event were nothing short of gorgeous.

With more mild weather for autumn weddings, an open air tent could be your next move!

Destination Weddings

Turning your one day ceremony and reception into a relaxing getaway (even if just for a long weekend) is another common thread I’ve heard. Every week I chat with at least one or two couples that are looking for help planning their full wedding weekend for their guests.

And we’ve known for years now that millennials love experiences and are single-handedly fueling the experience economy, and we also know that millennials approach marriage differently than any other generation. So when considering what the wedding should be, millennials want this moment in time to really mean something and be a signifier for their future. 

Not only that, but coming out of so many years of lockdown, it’s time to make a weekend with loved ones count. One that will last. 

Still considering if a destination wedding is right for you? I weighed out some of the pros and cons here, and talked more about budget-friendly tips here

What’s Next?

Getting married this fall or attending a fall wedding or two? Let me know what trends you see in the comments! 


Welcome back, dear reader, to another edition of Money & Matrimony! Once a month on the OIMDE blog, I take a look at the financial side of weddings and events, and dig deep to untangle the seemingly mind-numbing money hoops when planning a wedding. 

One of the reasons I started this series in the first place was stripping down the multiple very large purchases that you’ll come across when planning your wedding. We’ve talked about venues, planners, and packages. What’s next?

Yes, the dress. 

One of the most romanticized parts of the wedding planning process right? Oftentimes the “something new” in the much used adage

But how romantic is the process of wedding dress shopping really? Brides can learn the hard way that there’s no need to rush a moment like this. Let it happen and take its course, and the dress will come to you with time. 

Okay sure, that’s all fine and dandy but we’re here to shop numbers. What does it mean to financially when you’re wedding dress shopping and what are some things to consider when shopping for your wedding dress? 

Let’s dive in. 

Why Do Wedding Dresses Cost So Much?

Let’s get right to it. Why are wedding dresses so expensive? To put it simply, multiple reasons. 

First off, the cost of materials. So often brides are looking for intricacies and details in their dresses so that they’re showstoppers. That right kind of embellishment and embroidery will make a world of a difference. For instance, consider your photos. What do you want to be wearing and look like in photos that will last for generations to come?

Opting for a simpler design? Even with that, the cost of the fabric will still be a chunk of change. Wedding dresses are constructed with the intent of lasting for decades, and even potentially passed down from bride to bride. These points are all considered when making the garment, really proving that a bridal gown is going to be an investment. 

And these points can certainly put pressure on the bride! It’s an investment that shouldn’t be taken lightly, and one that she (presumably) plans on only doing once in her life. 

Do Wedding Dress Appointments Cost Money

The day of wedding dress shopping doesn’t charge an admission fee, but maybe if you miss your appointment altogether. Though, the shopping experience of it all should be taken seriously while still having a blast. It’s an exciting day! It’s also a day where you’re considering (and even then potentially making) a very large investment. 

So all in all, go into shopping day with your wedding dress budget in mind, what you want your dress to look like and not look like, and options that you could be swayed on. You’re about to make a very exciting purchase, so breathe and enjoy the ride!


I’m headed to the West Coast in November! It’s my first time ever, dear reader. And, alright, just hear me out. I’ve spent almost my entire life (regardless of living here) on the East Coast. I’ve only just got my passport (well technically I got it in February of 2020 but…well…we all know what happened there).

Traveling the world, much less this country, has always been a big part of my goals and wants in life. It’s part of the reason why I enjoy wedding planning in the Berkshires so much. It’s given me a chance to see so much more of this area than what I normally would explore. 

But what does this have to do with events and weddings might you ask? Let’s go back to my upcoming November trip. I’m going to San Diego to visit a close friend, and she asked me what I wanted to do while I was out there. First request: a hike! 

Hiking is so often on the forefront of minds when thinking about what to do when visiting a new area.

Think about it. Imagine you’re throwing a destination wedding (if you aren’t already) and you’re wanting to round out the trip for your guests. What else can you offer so they can see the sights of wherever you’re headed? What about planning an event and looking for a main activity that can be as strenuous, or lack thereof, as you would like, and creates an experience of connection? Hiking!

And it’s not just here. A recent study has found that hiking has never been more popular in the US. 

So let’s dive into that! Let’s talk all about hiking, and give you a good overview if you’ve got hiking on the brain. And for proof, I’ll throw in a recent trip I took this year to the Appalachian Trail.



The benefits of hiking really start pouring out as soon as you give it a thought. Right off the bat, hiking is an active form of cardio. It’s a chance for you to get moving and even potentially elevate your heart rate. Even more so there are plenty of physical health benefits to hiking. From heart disease to diabetes, and so much more, hiking can help as a preventative measure against multiple illnesses. 

What about mental health? Yup. Hiking can help that too! 

This past week, my boyfriend and I took a visit to Virginia, and had a hike along the Appalachian Trail up to Tinker Cliffs. Physically, the hike was strenuous enough to feel like we were getting in a solid workout (along with ample stretching after). But mental health wise? I’m no Virginia travel agent, but wow those 180 views speak for themselves. 


Before our hike was a field day for my double-virgo brain, and I made a to-do and to-buy list of everything we needed and what to do before we set off on the trail.

To-do? Made sure we had a full idea of what trail we would be going on, considering both the elevation and the distance. What’s the weather going to be like? And, especially important in increasing years, when is tick season

To-buy? If we didn’t have it already, I made sure we had sunscreen for face and body, some sort of tick repellent, water (we spiced ours up with some hydration tablets), and protein bars. Our trek was going to be around 4 hours total so we needed to stock up! 

It might seem like a lot, and just for a day hike you don’t need but what you can use as refueling. I guess a camera to capture the views is a good idea, but we all have one in our pockets anyway. 

Any more than this? Honey, that’s backpacking and that’s a blog for another day.

Last tip I would say it’s make sure you’re wearing a comfortable pair of closed-toed shoes. I love my Chaco sandals as much as the next crunchy granola, but if you’re exploring a trail you’re unfamiliar it’s best to stay covered in the toes. You could very well be thanking yourself later! 


In your backyard! Seriously, the beautiful Berkshires aside, hiking trails can be found virtually anywhere in the USA. And with hiking increasing in popularity each year, it’s a no-brainer that there are so many options for you to use to find the hiking trail perfect for your next outing. 

Need any more convincing? Here’s some photos from our trip. Believe me, they speak for themselves. 

Berkshire Spotlight: Make MY Day Design

We’re back, dear reader with our Berkshire spotlight! One of the best parts of living in the Berkshires, which I’m sure you’re well aware, is taking in all of the rich artistry that exists in Berkshire county.

One of the core beliefs of both Only In My Dreams and our store The Shop is celebrating and uplifting the artistry and creativity of all of us here in the Berkshires. It's one reason why we love offering boutique gifts and other items created by artisans all over Berkshire County!
As such, we're excited to bring back our Berkshire Spotlight series this summer.
To kick us off is Toula, a fiber artist whose Macramé art went from a return to the familiar to a successful local business and artistic practice that's being showcased in an art show this summer. Read on below to learn about her fiber artistry and her business, Make My Day Design.

Where did the idea for Make My Day Design start, and how did it lead to what we see today? Also, congrats on turning 1! What an accomplishment for any small business!

Make My Day Design was born out of an interesting chain of events. It was the Spring of the second year of the Pandemic. I was working full time as a Physician Assistant in the local Emergency Department and in addition to the normal stressors of working in an ER, there were also the stressor of COVID and the politicization of medicine in general. In conjunction with that, I couldn’t do many of things I enjoyed; see  friends, travel, or even go to the gym.

As you can imagine I was feeling very isolated and burnt out. I desperately needed something to bring me some joy and help me turn my brain off when I got home from work. Around the same time we had just moved into our first home and like every other woman in her 30s I had too many plants. So I decided to address both issues, and return to an old craft that I learned from my grandmother, Macrame, to make some plant hangers. I ordered some fun colored cord from Etsy and watched a YouTube video as a refresher and made my first plant hanger. Because I am a millennial I posted the finished plant hanger on social media and the responses I received was overwhelmingly positive. Dozens of people reached out to me over a few days requesting the same plant hanger. Then they started reaching out to me for different kinds of plant hangers in different colors. Then wall hangings. 6 weeks later I had probably sold over 200 pieces of macrame.

It was great to be creating again, and connecting with all of these different people while bringing them comfort…things that had originally made me gravitate towards medicine. So I decided to really lean into it and create a business. I named my business Make My Day Design as an homage to its purpose and what it did for me: bring joy, and celebrate boldness. I was so excited to celebrate Make My Day Design’s first Birthday in July and looking forward to the upcoming year. I have a lot of big plans. 

Wonderful! Also, another congrats is in order for your work being seen at the Persist Art Show. What was that experience like?

Thank you for that! It was a very surreal experience that caused me to grow quite a bit. First and foremost, the idea that someone would reach out to me for my art to be on display in an Art Show blew my mind. The day I got the message I was practically floating. To add to that, the show highlighted  women artists in the Berkshires which was an empowering and uplifting experience. It brought me a lot of joy to meet all of these other women artists and see their work as well as see how they are just totally crushing life, motherhood, running a business, or going to school. As a non-classically trained artist (no art school, no art degree, etc) I  had to face a lot of imposter syndrome that developed from my own narrow beliefs of what a “real artist” is. I also had to get used how vulnerable I felt about people and artists in my community knowing my name, looking at my art, having reactions to it, and then talking to them about it. I love being anonymous but it’s hard to do that, both in the Berkshire in general, and if you want to get your art out there. But without discomfort, there is no growth and I am just as grateful for the uncomfortable things that came. Overall it was an extremely validating and fun experience and the organizer, Elizabeth Nelson was a joy to work with and impressively organized and devoted to the show. 

What has been a favorite part of the journey of creating this business? Unexpected part?

If I am being honest with myself, one of my favorite parts are the connections I’ve made with local makers, artists, store owners and citizens of the community. I have met so many amazing, driven, kind, smart, talented people through my Macrame, that I do not think I would have otherwise.

I moved a lot when I was younger so I never put roots down anywhere. I was always just passing through.  But becoming a part of this community with my art and business changed something for me. I feel at home, and motivated to support the community that has generously supported me.

In terms of the unexpected part, I would say it’s how quickly my business has grown/progressed. Where I am currently with my business and art, is where I had originally expected to be in 3-5 years. I have had to recalibrate my work/life schedule to accommodate orders and markets. I have also had to learn to say no to things because I am a one woman show (for now) and am playing the long game and don’t want to burn out.  

What’s one of your favorite spots in the Berkshires to tell people about?

That is so hard for me to narrow it down but going with my gut, It’s a tie….and they both involve food and bev. Mooncloud in Great Barrington is a complete masterpiece. The moody midcentury modern space, the balanced cocktails, the curated assortment of food, the kind staff, all spectacular.

The second is The Lost Lamb. Heavenly and elegant pastries in an adorable white and red Parisian-inspired corner cafe in Stockbridge. Everything is handmade daily by owner and Pastry chef Claire who is only in her early 20s. I adore her story as much her food, along with what she has accomplished.  Unbeknownst to her, her journey also gave me some of the courage to create my own small business.

What is a message you want to spread those in the Berkshires and beyond?

I feel like some big and exciting changes are coming to The Berkshires. I can already see them happening after living here for only a few years. Antique storefronts, condo buildings, trains from NYC, drag shows, Pride parades, comedy clubs, breweries, venues. This volcano of new life and youthful creativity is building, and I am totally here for it. 

You can follow Toula and Make My Day Design on Instagram here.

How to Beat the Heat at a Summer Wedding

Okay, y’all. So the wedding that I coordinated the other week was incredible (I spoke all about it last week!). So much from family coming from all over, and to top it all off beautiful weather! 

As in like…more beautiful than expected! The clouds were just overcast enough with a cool breeze to make for a sensible 74 all day long (a reference that I cannot take credit for). 

But as lovely as this weekend was for a wedding, I knew it would be the most bearable weather for a while, as I was diving headfirst into summer wedding season. And as such, I’ve been researching tips for myself and for the couples I’m working with this season. So let’s get to it! Tips and advice that can help you beat the heat and make your summer wedding the best one around. 

Tips For A Summer Wedding

Keep It Light! Food, Attire, & More!

Warmer weather means you don’t wanna be bogged down with heavy foods with thick oils and sauces. Make sure to keep this in mind when selecting your menu. For instance, the last wedding I worked at had a family-style appetizer of squash salad and kumquats, light and tart with a delicious crunch. Perfect on the palette. 

Make sure to consider a lighter attire, as well, for you and your guests. It’s summer so think of linens and pastels. Light colors and breezy fabrics are going to be your friend here. I’m seeing the season included more and more in the wedding invitations when listing attire, and couldn’t agree more. It gives your guests a chance to really lean into season when picking the perfect outfit. 

Keep The Weather In Mind!

So all around weather is to be kept in mind when considering food, attire, etc. But outside of that, make sure you’re considering the weather for the ceremony and schedule of events. Do you have a rain plan or does the venue have a rain policy? What about shelter or shade from warmer weather? Make sure this is kept in mind especially as the party carries on into the evening (bug spray!!). 

In Season Wedding Means In Season Budget

Lastly, and probably most practically, you want to make sure you consider the budget. Generally, April-October is considered “wedding season”, but within that you’re also going to have to deal with tourism and what that means for the economy. Keep that in mind when finding the perfect date. I recommend a budget that’s understanding what summer tourist season means for prices and where you can be flexible, when necessary.

Wedding Season Kick-Off: Unique Wedding Venues Are In

It’s June, dear reader! That means it’s wedding season! 🥳

I love June for so many reasons (other than the obvious) and one big reason is that I’m finally seeing the weddings that we help happy couples plan come to fruition. And what’s most fascinating to me, from June to October, is seeing what the general trends are for the year, and what’s being decided as “out of vogue”. 

And one big trend that I’ve been seeing is the love of “unconventional” wedding venues. 

I’m taking advantage of the golf cart as soon as I arrive. 😎

Out With The Church And In With The Barn

During this past fall and winter, a running thread with all of the couples that I’ve been working with is the choice to get married in unique wedding venues. Venues that aren’t even wedding venues to begin with! But with a bit of coordination, the right phone calls, and perseverance, any wedding dream can be a reality. 

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of coordinating a wedding for a lucky couple at a dairy farm in upstate, New York. The site was a fully functioning dairy barn (so functioning the goats and cows were still roaming the pasture!) with a gorgeous garden filled with flowers and herbs that the farm also sells as teas. 

Soon after arriving at the venue I lost cell reception (a personal favorite of mine when at a wedding - I don’t want the outside world to interrupt me!) and was greeted by a gorgeous garden, where the ceremony was to be held. Because the property was so expansive, the couple was able to find other places to have their photos outside of the garden. This was where cocktail hour was also held until the guests and family moved to…

The barn! A gorgeous circular barn with three stories. The third story was filled with hay and birds in a way that brought a new level to the experience. 

And you’ve seen barn venues before. You know, those barns that are completely gut-renovated so the only part of the venue that looks like a barn is the outside? This is certainly not one of those! And that authenticity led to a gorgeous and warm space filled with love for a beautiful dinner served family style, and dancing.

It was absolutely incredible to see how all a venue needs to feel the warmth of a wedding is the warmth of the love between two people, and their want to share it with their friends, family, and loved ones. 

I can’t wait to share with you the weddings we’ve got in store this year. From a renovated boutique motel to a private lawn outlooking The Adirondacks, love is in the air in 2022 and I can’t wait to take you along the way. 

Your 2022 Backyard BBQ Checklist

Easily one of the reasons I love a summer in the Berkshires means I will be spending 99% of my time outside (or at least as close to that as possible). Which then means I have to find a way to make sure I’m outside as much as possible! Justify every single thing I’m doing to make sure I’m outside.  

And BBQ is, of course, at the top of my list! Cooking is one of my absolute favorite hobbies, dear reader, and getting the chance to do it outside as much as possible is a top summer goal of mine. 

(Quick side note: if you want great summer recipes, go check out Carla Lalli Music’s YouTube channel. Great recipes and advice always, but the grilling ones are just out of this world. I have been a fervent patreon subscriber of hers for years.)

So without further adieu, let’s talk all things backyard BBQ for any of your upcoming outdoor soirees or even just a quiet weeknight dinner with friends or family.

2022 Backyard BBQ Checklist

Candles, Illumination, The Bugs!

Illumination is going to be one of the first things you want to make sure you have squared away for any backyard bbq. Not just this time of year means beautiful finds on outdoor candles, but practically you’ll want an inviting environment for your friends coming to the bbq long after the sun goes down. 

There’s also the benefits of citronella candles and warding off bugs (even though more recent research says otherwise). But if you want something with more of a punch, an all natural bug spray could be a great option (and this brand in particular, Living the EO Way, is available at The Shop!). 

Backyard BBQ Means Backyard Beverages!

Okay, I promise I’ll get to the bbq part of a bbq, but we have to mention drinks! Especially when throwing an outdoor shindig together, there’s nothing quite like a cool beverage in the cool Berkshire early evening air as you watch the sun go down. 

And days like that, at least for me, call for something incredibly refreshing. For example, the Juicy Lucy from Bright Ideas Brewing up in North Adams is perfect for those warmer days leading to cooler nights. 

The Best Meat, Everytime

Noooow let’s talk actually grilling food. And if there’s one thing that you want to make sure is on your list this year, if there’s one thing I can for sure call a 2022 backyard bbq checklist essential, it’s a good meat thermometer. One that you can invest in, and that even isn’t asking for a lot monetarily. 

And I do mean 2022, because this is the 21st century! Gone are the days where we needed to go by cheats with making sure our food was cooked. In the words of The Six Million Dollar Man, we have the technology! 

Good Housekeeping released a great list on meat thermometers this year, but I would absolutely recommend the Meater wireless meat thermometer. With the use of an accompanying app, this thermometer can give you the perfect temperature read anytime for whatever you’re cooking. 

And isn’t a paid plug for Meater, I’m just a foodie! This whole list is just a couple of favs in the Berkshires of what I love when making sure I’m having my best summer yet. Of course, I encourage you to do the same. What are some of your backyard bbq favorites?

Tips To Ensure The Ultimate Destination Wedding

I really have travel on the brain, y’all. This summer is expected to be one of the hottest yet, and between that and all of the weddings I’m going to (I’ve hit that all-of-my-friends-get-married-at-once phase) I’m itching to get out! To explore and see the sights of the world around me! 

As such, the travel brain and the wedding brain are both making me want to get an invite to one of those elusive destination weddings. What a trip, right?? A nice and breezy beach getaway with some of my closest friends to celebrate long-lasting unconditional love? The virgo in me would JUMP at the chance! 

Now, I’ve talked about destination weddings on the blog before, but that was more of weighing the options. Should you do it? Is it really worth it? Would you have a destination wedding? 

If you’re answer is a resounding YES (first of all, werk 🥳) let’s talk some tips and advice you should know before embarking on such an exciting and once-in-a-lifetime endeavor.  

Tips For A Destination Wedding

Communication Is Key

Communication is already an important rule to keep in mind when planning a wedding, but a wedding where 20 other people that you know are all headed to another country? There’s no question! 

Make sure to be in full communication every step of the way, and the more comprehensive you can be from the get-go, the better. 

Your wedding website is a great way to make sure that you have all of the potential questions (or as many as possible) answered. 

That said, sending out periodic emails (without getting too spammy) to your guests with timeline touchstones in mind is a great way to make sure everything is moving along swimmingly. 

International Wedding? International Budget

I’m not saying that you should increase your budget automatically because your wedding is international, but I would say don’t be surprised if you need to dip into that emergency line more often than not. 

Plus, try and be more conscious about how much money your guests will be spending to make sure they can make this wedding. 

Also, keep in mind what conversion rates look like across different countries, as well as what you’ll be dealing with tax-wise. The financial side of things can get more tedious than expected, and it can be very beneficial to hire someone to help you! Which leads me to…

Hire A Local Wedding Planner!

By now you’re probably getting the running theme I’m coming from when planning a destination wedding. The best destination weddings are the ones that celebrate and prop up the local community. So keep that in mind when looking for your wedding planner. 

This should also be a no-brainer since a local planner would be the one who has the local knowledge of how to find the most affordable (and best) vendors, and will have intuitive knowledge that you can’t bring with you in ensuring you’re creating the best wedding you could possibly create. 

I mean we couldn’t say it better ourselves, and if you need more convincing, ask any of our partner vendors!

Looking for More Destination Wedding Tips? 

Check out this checklist here with everything you would need to keep in mind! And, of course, shoot us an email! We’ve often helped plan destination weddings in the Berkshires, and couldn’t agree more that it’s a destination unlike any other. 

Dirty Shirleys Are…Back? Summer Food Trends 2022

One of the reasons I got into nightlife (I moonlight as a drag queen) is because I love people watching. No one person is similar to the next, and really and truly, the devil is in the details. How is each person reacting to their night’s events, and the world around them? What are the differences between everyone’s reactions to a particular number that I’m performing? 

And of course, what is everyone drinking?

When I’m hosting an evening and walking around I just love to know what everyone is drinking. And recently? It’s been a lot of Dirty Shirleys. 

Not only that, but a recent Forbes article (???) predicted the Dirty Shirley is the drink of the summer, and that isn’t the only article claiming this

Personally, I could go without the Dirty Shirley, but I digress…though it brings me to this week’s blog. This summer’s food/drink trends! 

2022 Summer Food Trends

Want the latest intel on what’s “in” for your summer soirees? Here’s a 2022 summer food trends from the latest from Eating Well


Always refreshing, with a cool and somewhat sophisticated taste, and filled with more health benefits considered possible, it’s surprising to see cucumbers only making a trending list now. And that’s because they’re never really out of vogue in the warmer months. 

Cucumbers are perfect for a refreshing crunch fit for any summer recipe. Always have, always will. So throw some cucumber sandwiches in your next brunch menu! 


A personal favorite, hibiscus is another health conscious flavor that also adds a beautiful splash of color to any dish. The tart, juicy flavor of hibiscus is great for plenty of meals from tacos (for instance) to a delicious glaze on doughnuts

Not to mention, jewel tones are a big color trend for weddings this year, so why not expand that to your wedding’s menu?

2022 Summer Cocktail Trends

I would be silly to ignore any accompanying cocktails for the summer! Here’s some 2022 cocktail trends to consider from Food & Wine.


Honey, tequila is everywhere. Everyone wants tequila, and everyone is gonna get it. Similarly to cucumber (maybe not in health benefits, but in its classic nature) the spirit has always been a classic for warmer weather. 

Though to mention cucumber again, why not try a tequila and cucumber cocktail

Low to No Alcohol Cocktails

This is less about a particular spirit and more about a trend that’s happening across the nation. There’s a rising trend to drink less alcohol, if any at all, as more and more people wear their sobriety with pride. 

But with more people comes the need to make space in traditional drinking places. For instance, as a queer person, I see so much of my community in queer bars. But what about those who want to find a community where they always have, and are now just sticking to seltzer?

Bars across the country are getting craftier with their low-to-no alcohol cocktails, and more and more people are getting craftier for their at-home happy hours with friends. Need a recipe to try? How about this hibiscus sour

Any 2022 summer food trends that caught your eye? Let us know in the comments! 

Mother’s Day Facts You Might Not Know

Since I’ve started working in the event planning industry, my perspective on major and/or public holidays has changed dramatically. I think about and approach holidays differently now. Even more so, the weight I give to holidays has increased so much for some previously seeming “minor” days. 

Now hear me out if you think you know where I’m going with this. 

For a long time, I didn’t give too much weight to Mother’s Day. Yes, yes, I made sure I called my mom if I couldn’t see her in person, and sent her a small gift to make sure she knew I was thinking of her (thank you very much), but in the grand scheme of things, shouldn’t I put more attention to the Big 3 (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas)?

And you might be feeling how I am here, and I understand that! That said, allow me to indulge as I tell more about the holiday, and why I’ve had a bit of a 180 on the importance of mother’s day. 

Facts About Mother’s Day

When And Why Did Mother’s Day Begin?

It’s a no-brainer that the idea of celebrating and honoring the mother/mother-figures of your life is a tradition spanning the history of mankind. But the more commercialized idea of Mother’s Day is a much newer invention.

The poet best known for “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, Julia Ward Howe, advocated for a Mother’s Day to keep the peace, in a post-Civil War America. She had written a Mother’s Day proclamation that carries the same spirit as the song we all know and love. 

At the turn of the century, the holiday became more formalized thanks to Anna Jarvis. She had advocated for a nationally recognized day, a request that President Woodrow Wilson established in 1914. Very quickly the holiday became the commercial success that we see today, something that Jarvis was not a fan of, but nonetheless the holiday continued. 

The Business of Mother’s Day

Floral Industry Makes It Out On Top

One would think it’s Valentine’s Day where we see the highest sales in flowers, but noooooope. Not quite. 

As of 2021, $28.1 billion is spent on gifts, dinners, and experiences for moms on Mother’s Day. More specifically, the holiday is consistently the best day for flower shops, with an average of $20.85 spent per shopper on flowers. And the most common flower? Carnations!

Restaurants Reap The Mother’s Day Benefits 

Breakfast in bed is always a great choice for kicking off your second Sunday in May. After that, maybe it’s a good idea to treat your mom to a nice lunch or dinner out at her favorite restaurant. This is the thought process that makes Mother’s Day THE day to see success as a restaurant owner. 

The reservation service Open Table released a study on the economics of Mother’s Day in restaurants, saying how in 2021 reservations are up 39% compared to 2019. That said, nearly half of those eating out will be attending brunch. Something to think about when making your Sunday plans. 

Mother’s Day Is No “Minor” Holiday 

All in all, Mother’s Day is a huge economic boom each year. Underneath all of the gift giving, breakfast in bed-ing, and restaurant attend-ing, there’s a sincere message of honoring and uplifting those in our lives who sacrifice so much for us, and want what is best for us. Something to keep in mind when you make a trip to snag those last-minute gifts and flowers (maybe to even support your favorite local boutique gift shop?).

Why Shopping Local Matters

I was listening to a podcast recently about the different types of banks you can join. Overall, the episode discussed the pros and cons of joining a national bank vs local bank vs credit union. 

In the end, the main point of the episode was to emphasize the importance of keeping your money local. However it’s done, making sure that the money you earn remains in your community is what then helps the community in turn. Also, rates are often lower than those at national banks.

And that’s the takeaway here. Your money can have a more direct impact on your community, which then directly impacts you. It’s a ripple effect!

The Ripple Effect Of Staying Local

To me, that ripple effect is what makes shopping locally exciting. And sure, I’ve heard the buzzwords “shop local” and “small business saturday” as much as the next socially-conscious human in this country, especially in these past few years. But, it’s said over and over again for a reason. Because it works

Shop Local & The Local Economy

According to the American Independent Business Alliance, up to 48% of money spent at independent businesses stays in the local economy vs just 14% when shopping at a chain retailer. This is money that then fuels other local businesses, organization, and local job creation, and all done immediately and directly. 

Shop Local Means Job Creation

According to a press release from the U.S. Small Business Association, small businesses added 1.8 million net new jobs in the United States at that time, employing 43.7% of the private workforce. This is astounding! 

Starting a small business, much less maintaining a small business, means needing to hire employees and create jobs, which then directly develops the local community. Not to mention the local community receiving money through local banks through grants and loans, that money going to job creation, and then returning to the local bank. And so the cycle continues! 

Small Businesses Giving Back

Okay so hard facts aside, small businesses are some of the first people to tell you the dedication and perseverance it takes to get your business off the ground, and successfully up and running. Which is why small businesses understand the importance of giving back to the community as much as possible, even more so than larger chain businesses. 

Look around at the local businesses in your community, and chances are they’re much more involved with community initiatives, non-profits, etc than you think. 

Shop Local Means Fueling Dreams

Call me a romantic, but one of my favorite things about shopping locally means I get to help fuel the economies of not just the small business of local boutique shops and coffee shops, but the economies of the artisans who get to have their wares sold at these local shops. Shopping locally puts money directly in the brewers, craft-makers, woodworkers, jewelry-makers, metalsmiths, knitters and needleworkers, florists, and so many other people who work so hard to follow their passions and find a living out of them. 

So shop local! This means you are helping someone make a living out of a dream. And to be able to make a living out of a dream, isn’t that a dream come true?

What Is 420? The History, Explained

Do you celebrate? If you’re reading this in Massachusetts (and almost all of New England) you certainly can partake however you please! 

But where did this holiday come from? Why do so many of us stop and pause to make their April 20th a bit more chill than the rest of the month? 

Let’s dive right in! 

Where did 420 come from? The meaning of 420. 

I guess it’s no surprise to any of us, but connection april 20th with the of the international day to vibe had started, or at least was popularized by Deadheads. 

But what about its true origins? A HuffPost article shined light on the stoners that gave the name its genesis. The term 420 was coined by a group of high schoolers in San Rafael, California is, when else, the 70’s. The group, who called themselves “The Waldos” because they hung out at the wall outside of school, always met at 4:20 to smoke. And thus it was born. From then on “420” became synonymous with going to go smoke. 

The term didn’t really pick up steam, or should I say smoke, until 1991 when it was mentioned in an issue of High Times, who later mentioned the Waldos in 1998.

What 420 Means

After its humble beginnings, the ideas of 420 have expanded into an international day of celebration. Celebrations and festivals for 420 are mainly seen in North America and Australia, but can be found elsewhere in the world. 

The phrase has also helped cultures and societies around the world overcome the stigmas placed on cannabis use. In the US, full legalization of cannabis (including recreational) can be seen in 18 states so far, and counting! Many more states have medical legalization, and are slowly but surely passing legislation for full tilt legalized cannabis. 

Will you celebrate?