I'm Philip And It’s So Nice To Meet You!


It’s so nice to meet you, dear reader. My name is Philip Calabro, and I’m the newest member to the team at Only In My Dreams Events.

As you are probably aware, Matt has gone on to live his best vino life in Rhode Island, and I have been left with the keys to the blog. 

I’m also joining the team as our ✨Day Of Wedding Coordinator✨, so if you’re thinking of having your wedding with us, you’ll certainly be hearing more from me!

More About Me

A little bit about me! I’m a Southern transplant (any other Carolinians?) who’s now based in Coney Island, NY after a few life changing years in the Berkshires. 

My passion in life is in both my work as an actor and drag artist, as well as showing the world the power of the human connection. And it’s in that that brought me to work with Oskar and Mike. 

As humans, I truly believe in the importance of coming together and finding connection in community, even more so after the 2020 that we had. And as we move through 2021 in our new normal the importance of connecting can’t be stressed enough. 

What’s Next For The OIMDE Blog

So with all of that said, I can’t wait to meet you here the same time next week, dear reader. I’ll be bringing you the same wedding hacks and wine recommendations you’ve come to know from Matt, but I’ll also be bringing some topics of my own. 

Be on the lookout for more about the Berkshires, definitely some recipes from my favorite chefs, and so much more. 

Have you got any ideas of what you would like to see? Leave me a comment below! I would love to hear from you. 

Until next time!

I Wish You All The Joy That You Can Wish, 
