I know I’m not telling you anything new, dear reader, by acknowledging and just fawning over the varied and wonderful landscape of artists in the Berkshires, and our monthly artist spotlight has been exactly that! 

What I will say, though, is that through this series I’ve gained a new appreciation for the Berkshires. There really is something about this place that unlocks an artistic experience in all of us. 

Not only that, but the Berkshires creates this artistic energy year round! There’s always something to draw artistic inspiration from, and an audience who will be receptive to it. 

And one artist in particular that we work with who knows just how to put their finger on the pulse in their artwork is Emily Johnson! Someone who we love at Only In My Dreams and who’s artwork manifests through simple boutique gifts we always have room for at The Shop. 

For this month’s artist spotlight, we bring in Emily Johnson and hear her perspective of her work, the world of artist, and we should do to celebrate art and the Berkshires, ourselves. 

When did you start your work as an artist, and when did it evolve into the work that we see and sell at The Shop? 

I have always done some sort of craft, it evolved when my son Aaron (Berkshire Drag Queen Boxxa Vine) started doing drag shows and I was making merchandise for him, then into items to sell to make money for more shows.

Is there an artist in particular that inspires you and your artwork?

My mother and Aaron both are artists that sew, it skipped a generation with me. They both can make anything out of fabric and a sewing machine.

What’s your favorite spot in the Berkshires to tell people about?

I would say my favorite spot in the Berkshires is Naumkeg. I had never been there until this year and love just walking around there.

As an artist living in 2021, what is one message you want to spread to the world?

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We couldn’t agree more! Thank you so much to Emily for speaking with us. And if you want to shop locally you can find Emily’s latest work at The Shop.
Stop by today!