Star Wars Grinders

BB8 Grinder 1.png
BB8 Grinder 2.png
Darth Vader Grinder 3.png
Darth Vader Grinder 2.png
Death Star Grinder 2.png
Death Star Grinder 1.png
BB8 Grinder 1.png
BB8 Grinder 2.png
Darth Vader Grinder 3.png
Darth Vader Grinder 2.png
Death Star Grinder 2.png
Death Star Grinder 1.png

Star Wars Grinders


Grind your favorite “spice” with your favorite star wars character. We currently BB8, Darth Vader, and the Death Star in stock.

BB8 stands approximately 2” high

Darth Vader stands approximately 3.5”

Death Star stands approximately 1.5”

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